Meeting with SOUL

My approach

When I got into RAIN at the beginning of 2016 and came upon SOUL, I achieved fantastic results concerning my, as well as my daughter’s health, as described in the chapter called “Personal experience”. As good as the products was, its use was difficult; it requires a lot of time and effort to achieve minor results which, thereby, do not last long.  Since I ran  my own company for 25 years prior to this which dealt in retail trade, too (9 stores),  and with plenty of success if I may add, I have been through a lot of education in classical dealership management and  marketing and have gained significant experience, thus I quickly realized that multi-level systems do not utilize a lot of the know-how and technologies that exist in classical trading, and I have noticed the key mistakes that create imbalance between the product’s quality and its sales.

Since I graduated in the theory of construction systems  and have been applying, especially in business,  a systematic way of thinking in my entire life, I decided to pack all of this into a faster, better, more contemporary and efficient system, yet aiming to maintain its properties  within the boundaries of a multi-level system. I spent nearly a year testing SOUL on myself, my daughter and friends.friends and based on that experience I have made a new, specific, and complex approach to the use of SOUL which I presented on this site with the intention to help the SOUL users to gain the best possible results. I used all of the knowledge and experience I acquired from my work, life experience, medical knowledge as well as my knowledge in alternative medicine, spirituality, programming and what not, with investing humongous amounts of time and money to create it, because I am certain that SOUL is a product worth investing in.


Changes are needed

The entire project was my conceptual and technical creation, assembled of knowledge from various fields of life and business, which makes it unique on the market. As people do not accept changes easily, a certain number of people are sure to dislike it. Thus, I will specify and explain a few changes I have made and, by the end of this chapter I will have explained the advantages and benefits I have gained with them, so maybe this will wake peoples’ interest to get into and perceive the advantages of this way of management in multi-level systems. After all, there have been lots of changes: cosmic (changed era- we have entered the era of spirituality), social, technological, biological (human brains do not function as before- a significant change which was neglected in the M.L., of which fact classical trade marketing is aware of and taking advantage of it), yet multi-level is being done as it used to 40 years ago, we can only conclude it is time for change. Especially because certain things openly do not function as they used to, and there are explanations why that is so.

The existing presentation is on an exceptionally high scientific level (unnecessarily), distancing SOUL from ordinary people who are supposed to be its consumers. People who have the knowledge to follow up with that presentation have acquired that knowledge through medical or a similar science, their beliefs are intertwined with medical science and science, and SOUL is not medicine, it is the alternative. Such people do not accept alternatives out of their personal beliefs. Perhaps it is different in the United States, but where I live, this is the case. Surely there are exceptions, but that is insufficient for one to build a business upon. SOUL should- and I have proof that it can-be part of medical science, but there is still a lot of work to do on it. For this reason my presentation shall decrease its scientific level and rather accentuate on its alternative side on which it automatically has a wide auditorium and it is easier for people to understand what it is about. Thereby I am placing the spiritual part of the story into context, primarily as it is a constituent of my knowledge and experience and, regarding that we have entered the era of spirituality, everything that helps spreading and supporting the development of spirituality has, and will continue to have support from higher levels for a very long time. Why not hook on  a train that is in motion and will keep on going for a very long time, thereby perceiving life in this manner and sharing your life experience which will be useful to others and give SOUL even more importance.

SOUL - how to see it

Categories of users

The product declared as a supplement covers a wide range of potential customers, but due to social situations (people’s conscience, knowledge, financial possibilities…), the category of potential buyers does not bear commercial significance. Furthermore, SOUL is not merely a supplement, thus it can be declared differently. In my presentation I firstly divided potential users of SOUL into four categories and defined its characteristics, effects and performances separately according to each category. In business this is called labeling an article according to target group. It is well known that people are easiest to approach if you are their interlocutor and if you are willing to take part in their sphere of interest. This is usually something that they like, something they are devoted to or something that is a burden to them and is giving them hardships. Thus, you must know which target group you are addressing and concentrate the story on what is interesting for the given target group and, that it is within the range of operation of SOUL. Once they start consuming it and recognize its positive, beneficial effects, solve their problems and educate themselves about SOUL on our website both technically and scientifically whilst dealing with their problems, they will all wish to become constant users of SOUL as a supplement, regardless of why they began using it and which customer category they belong to.

Rezultat slika za soul rain fruit

By dividing potential buyers of SOUL into four categories: athletes (recreational too), children, older people and health (which is further divided into persons with health problems and those who are nourishing their health), I have covered over 50% of the human population, which is a much better situation from a commercial aspect than it is with the supplement at the moment. Harmonizing the presentations according to these four categories of potential buyers I have brought SOUL closer to potential buyers, simplified and facilitated the presentations themselves, but I also created conditions to change the manner of presenting.

Potential buyers need no longer attend the presentations; rather, the presentations can take place where members of a certain category of potential buyers are located. By classifying the presentations according to categories, placing them on the website and introducing flyers which contain the distributors’ data, I have simplified their work. The distributor has only to wake the potential buyer’s interest to visit the website with the adequate story and flyer, here they will find the basic information about SOUL, my and my daughter’s personal experience and the corresponding video and, for each category of potential buyers there is a specially adapted presentation of the effects of SOUL, describing all the expected processes  and results that SOUL will cause and which are important to the given category of buyers, from which buyers can draw the conclusion of whether or not they can achieve their expectations with SOUL. Thus, if all this succeeds in waking their interest, they can decide on the offer (which includes the possibility of money refund in case they are not satisfied) whether or not they will try SOUL. When buying SOUL on the website, the part of the site meant for users of SOUL is activated where I offer them leading points based on my personal experience and knowledge on how to use SOUL in order to achieve the best possible results and at the same time, I direct them to educate themselves on SOUL following the chapter called All about SOUL which is written in the same manner and level as the current presentation of SOUL, in the context of  gaining the best possible results from using it.

Setting the distribution structure

Entering into the business structure and advancing in it is envisioned in 5 steps and 4 stages, which is described in great detail in the chapter called SOUL as a job“. When a buyer or a new person registers on the website as a distributor, the part of the website for distributors opens and they can access the list of distributors who can register their own buyers and their distributors (thereby building a business structure). You can automatically download flyers with your names on them and promote SOUL with them and inviting potential buyers or distributors to visit the website; who, when registering on the website, reports that the buyers or distributors are  associate of that distributor, which led them to the website with the flyers, and whose name in on the flyer. The website follows the business structure of RAIN. All of this can be achieved with electronic flyers which are also available in the distributors’ part where all of this is meticulously explained. There, the formation of target groups of potential buyers is also described, as well as the classification based on categories, and the way of establishment of distributor’s network according to the target groups based on the activities and the manner of their execution inside a certain group of potential buyers. Upon studying through this chapter of the site, one will see that the distributive structure can be developed this way in the tiniest pores of human society everywhere where there is internet. The speed of setting up (forming) the distributive structure is immeasurably higher than the current one, as is its quality , as the ultimate distributors (the ones who acquire new buyers) are found within the target group of potential buyers. In one city, there can develop a few dozen or maybe even a few hundred of such distributors in 3-4 months, but such a process can be implemented simultaneously in countless cities independently, yet everyone in the system will get their share as the website follows the business structure of RAIN.

As for those who do not understand the advantages of this system as opposed to the existing one, that is those who do not want changes- and it is perfectly natural that such people exist-what would the world do without brakesmen? The story of the rats who keep pulling back the one rat that is trying to get out of the pot, is a commonly recurring story, it is natural, thus I shall name some of the advantages:  

  • information about SOUL is spreading at maximum speed
  • there is a high percentage of covering the needs of potential buyers
  • presenting SOUL at several functional bases, education about SOUL as a supplement
  • the possibility of forming a distributive network extremely quickly
  • an easier and faster communication between the distributors and buyers
  • full education regarding all questions is available on the website
  • thus reducing the necessity to contact one’s mentor
  • the structure continues regardless of the predecessor
  • it is extremely easy to operate – which means it can be done (expanded) by ordinary people (satisfied users) who have never been in multilevel systems, which is a very important factor for enlarging the number of SOUL users among those who are not in multilevel systems, and they are members of the target groups of potential SOUL users. Even if the reward system is simplified by one simple move, by introducing a significant revenue from the sale of the ultimate distributor to the one who hired the ultimate distributor (you should think about target groups and see how powerful and stimulating move it is), this would be an easy and attractive system for ordinary people who need to be SOUL users, which is important for the massive spread of information on SOUL and business structure, unlike the current system, which is slow and hard to perform. In doing so, the rewarding principle is maximally complicated (particularly this new one; people of average intellectual abilities can hardly understand it) and burdensome (it is more stressful  than stimulating), which generally turns common people away from the idea to deal with SOUL. That’s why SOUL is “condemned” to be sold only by top-quality multilevel players, which again slows down the sale of SOUL, and SOUL is a mass-use product which sales can be ensured with my system. Without intention to offend or degrade anyone, the existing SOUL placement system is an ideal system for selling, for example, expensive cars, yachts and the like. There is more that favors this system in relation to the existing SOUL placement, but also the elements which can significantly promote the business of RAIN also by other articles. But we’ll talk about that later.