My regeneration, recovery, revitalization and return to sport
I was doing sport during my childhood and at young age. I trained karate and other sports because I was physically fit, had remarkable physical abilities and expressed passionate love of sports. When I went to serve the army, at the age of 28, in 1986, I was proclaimed the most physically fit soldier in the group regardless of age. Then, a tragic event occurred. Under the wrong diagnosis, I had a surgery of salivary gland and it caused paresis (partial paralysis) of the left half of my head. Ma face was hanging loose, my eye began to dry, I had a hearing loss, felt terrible headache, and felt physical pain all over my body. The recovery period was very difficult, and I managed to improve my brain functions by doing vigorous exercises and undergoing electrical stimulations much later than expected, but I still suffered from awful and intermittent pain in the whole body.
After 90 days of recovery from surgery at the Military Hospital in Sarajevo, I spent the rest of my military service as a librarian in the Military District Command VII in Sarajevo in a well-equipped library, where I studied maxillofacial surgery and neurology, but I was not able to find answer to my problems anywhere. The problems I was confronted with ranged from physical constraints of the body, chronic pain and discomfort all over the body and even to psychological instability. I was just a pale reflection of the man I used to be before surgery. I tried to do sports, but my condition deteriorated even further. Since my parents were influential in the state system of the former Yugoslavia, they enabled me to be received by the best doctors in that field. They were really good at confirming the diagnosis from the books I read in the army as a librarian, but no one had the solution to my problems. In those 11 years until 1998, I was received by many doctors and my medical findings were examined by some world experts in Brussels and Amsterdam. There was no medical device which was not used on me at that time. The electromagnetic resonance was done three times and nobody found anything, so they started considering me to be a psychiatric patient and they thought I was imagining, so in 1998 I gave up everything and turned to the alternative.

The first steps toward healing
The first alternative method I followed was reflexology which involved treatment of certain organs by applying appropriate pressure to specific points and areas on the feet. During my treatment, I studied the method and assessed the treatment effects. Soon after that, I discovered the cause of my health problems, how they occurred and why they persisted. This method is based on the factual state: if one body organ suffers, the nerve endings of that organ, which are located in the feet, hands, eyes and ears, will shrink, and by stimulating them, we can recover the organ and normal function can be resumed, and if the nerve ending has a problem, it sends bad message to the organ, thus causing the organ to suffer. My ear, which was cut and sewn during surgery, including outer ear, ear canal, and most likely middle ear as well, plus the whole region that was cut (only the tissue was sewed) were the cause of all my problems. The nerve endings in the ear, cut and meaninglessly sewn into that mass, send confusing signals to their organs and parts of the body by moving jaw or neck and make uncontrolled, general chaos in the body, what I felt for years. This problem has never occurred in medicine and this is why experts do not have complete knowledge about it.
I started exploring different methods and it was metaphysics that gave me hope that my problem could be solved, but the question how to solve it still remained. Afterwards, I started using various methods which I had studied in order to solve my problem. I changed a lot of methods for 18 years. Let me try to remember all of them and list them: acupressure of nerve endings, shiatsu massage, traditional massage, various bioenergy therapies, numerous so-called healing therapies, bioptron light therapy, infrared light therapy, various chiropractic treatments, herbal medicine, acupuncture, Indian astrology and different mantra meditations, meditation based on Jyotish astrology, transcendental meditation, Sri Chinmoy meditation, sun yoga, positive terrestrial radiation; mountains Atos, Olimp…, magic circles of Najdan, vertical energy poles…, church, church rituals, prayers, monasteries: Hilandar Monastery, Meteora monasteries, Ostrog Monastery 3 times and many others, I even changed religion to have access to more rituals in Christianity, fasting, diet, organism cleansing, atlas correction, Bruno Groening technique…
First meeting with SOUL
For the purpose of convincing my daughter to take up sports, I started exercising with her, but she enjoyed it only as a hobby. All these methods, which (due to metaphysics) were spiritual and energetic, gave some results, but my health condition was getting worse, especially few years before my business collapsed in 2015. At the beginning of 2016, I started visiting multi-level marketing companies in search of job and earning. Eventually, I arrived at RAIN and bought two packs of SOUL product so that I could become a distributor and sell it further. Therefore, I began to take it without expecting any improvement because I was more focused on selling it and making profit. Since my health had already been very bad, during that period I decided to obtain a life insurance so that my family could have enough money for decent funeral because I thought I would not live much longer. When the insurance company saw my medical records, they agreed to give me a special contract a picture is attached as a high risk client. That was my real situation which I was not able to improve after all the treatments. However, I was still using some methods and I was taking SOUL product because I had it, not even thinking that it could help me after everything I tried.
After almost a month of taking SOUL, I felt that the methods I used to improve my health exerted significant effects and I started feeling better. I did a blood test and my results were much better than a month ago. I continued taking SOUL and monitored my condition. A change for the better occurred and I could feel it. The methods I used started producing concrete results. The inner scars developed after the surgery 30 years ago (1986 – 2016) began to heal and the tissue recovered and some bodily functions were improved. In the middle of May (less than 2 months after I started taking SOUL), I felt much better and had more energy and that was why I decided to go to the sports ground and quay and try to run and do some exercises. Despite that it seemed incredible, I spent 2 hours running, doing shaping exercises and working out on exercise equipment that day. I was delighted to see what I could do after so many years and to discover that I had strength to do it even though I was already 58 years old, and I had not trained for 30 years. I dreaded the thought of muscles and joint ache that I would feel the next day and I was sure I would not be able to get up from the bed the next morning. When I came home I took the sachet of SOUL and spent the day normally without feeling tired or exhausted, moreover, I was satisfied and full of liveliness because of that day’s achievement. When I woke up the next morning I did not have any problems in my body, I did not have any cramps or pain and I had to ascribe it to the SOUL and its anti-inflammatory effects (something that had never happened to me before). Since I did not suffer from severe fatigue, I wondered if I could do all exercises again that day so I went out and repeated all exercises I did the day before.
The next day I made a break, and the day after I repeated exercises again. I set up the exercise regime of 5 times a week. I was getting better, so I changed exercise routine and after a month of exercising I extended my exercise time to 3 hours and up to 3.5 hours until autumn, when an image was produced. I took a one month break during summer because I was bitten by a dog and spent two weeks at the seaside. The image was created in a shortened version of exercising because of the length of the recording and it was late autumn, the end of season when regular exercise lasted for 3.5 hours. For financial reasons, I did not take SOUL every day. I took one sachet after every training and regain my energy in 20 to 30 minutes so that I could spend the rest of the day (or tomorrow, if I exercised late) without feeling tired or exhausted. What is more, I had the feeling that I could repeat exercises that day which I plan to try one day. I have never taken SOUL before training, so I am not familiar with the effects of D-ribose from SOUL during exercise, but a friend of mine told me he had a burst of energy and did not feel tired at all after taking SOUL before doing exercises.

Cognition is maturing
All this led to the conclusion that my work in the past lacked a matter (pure, natural and active) and relaxing physical activity. It is most likely that one can create a matter from energy, but people who live here and this way of life certainly cannot do it. Our spirituality and energy should be supported with an active matter, such as SOUL, which is absolutely natural and pure (considering that I tried some not so useful supplements in the past which did not produce positive results, except that they helped me regain strength currently). Realizing the importance of matter in our organism, I started reading about the functionality of organism and biochemistry and realized that I should cleanse some organs using various teas, herbal juices and tinctures, not knowing that RAIN has the perfect multi cleanser called CORE. The cleansing had more significant effects on my recovery and better functionality of the body, which proved that fast, diet, and balanced diet produced results in segments and complete cleanup with matter is required for maximizing the effects because a man is a spiritual and physical being. This means that, if you cleanse some organs (liver, colon, gallbladder…) or all organs of all toxins that have accumulated there so far using CORE and before using SOUL, you will help SOUL and your body to function properly and normally, and this way you can avoid squandering away your money on buying additional packs of SOUL and obtain better results.
The importance of physical exercise
Exercises and therapy
.Exercises have changed me a lot, the recovery process was accelerated and the spiritual and energy methods started showing better effects. Energy, blood, and SOUL started circulating through the body parts which have been blocked for many years. The recovery was obvious, at the beginning of the exercise, many movements were blocked and limited (some are still today, but there is steady progress), but I was able to release and remove those blocks by gentle stretching exercises, increased circulation, spiritual methods and energy. All these methods and exercises improved blood circulation and innervation in some parts which enabled the SOUL product to reach those parts, thus contributing to better recovery and normal functioning. My experience has shown that as long as a person is not physically active, the formed blockage of the body parts cannot be easily removed, especially the blocks of joints and spine part, and if the blocks are not removed, there is no recovery. Since I write this in May 2017, I can tell you that I have recovered very well since I started exercising and taking SOUL and that I am in a very good shape, especially for one 59-year-old man. In addition to running and doing exercises, I do karate just for recreation, follow more spiritual and energy methods regularly, and take SOUL from time to time (I am not able to take it more for financial reasons), but some blockages and stiffness cannot still be removed, especially the blocks in the area of spine and ankle joints. This is the reason why I have also used various massagers (foot massager, hand held vibration massagers, massage chairs, Korean spine massage), and I did atlas correction.
This video of exercises was made a year later compared to the previous one, that is, a year and a half after I started using SOUL to show the way the health problem I had was solved. If you pay attention, you can see in the first video that I occasionally make wrong head movements by stretching the neck because of the scar in the neck, which is the result of the surgery that I had in 1986. There was a tube (drain) through the neck to the wound so that it could be cleaned. After that, there was a thickening in the neck that created me great problems for over 30 years. In the last year, this thickening has disappeared as well as the problems of movement, which can be seen in the second video, because I no longer stretch my neck during exercises. I must attribute this to the introduction of SOUL into my therapies and the complexity of the treatments that I have been conducting in the last year and a half. Naturally, I have tried to eliminate that scar in many ways, but I had no significant results. I have to tell you about an interesting event that happened to me 10-12 years ago when I was in the Hilandar Monastery in Holy Mountain, on the Athos peninsula in Greece, which is the central monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church, known for its spiritual powers.
Realization of harmony
When I walked out of the room, where we were performing the veneration of the relics of a saint, I stepped right under the top of the dome of that part of the church, and there was a monk in front of me who was reading very nicely in front of the Icon of the Holy Virgin Trojeručica, so I cannot determine what caused and where it came from, but I felt some powerful energy running through my scar from the head to feet, as if I was struck by lightning. I felt a tremendous relief in the whole body, especially in my neck. It seemed like the scar disappeared and I could control my movement properly. This situation lasted for a few days, and then gradually I started encountering the difficulty again even though I was engaged in regular spiritual activities, as well as energy treatments. Over time, the same problems in the body and scar, which were reduced after visiting the monastery, occurred again. The improvement was minor. It is obvious that permanent remedy to this and other health problems cannot be achieved only by spirituality and energy therapies (even though they are outstanding). Apart from being involved in spiritual activities and undergoing energy therapies, we need to fill our body with material elements that will enable and support the regeneration of endangered cells in damaged tissue, thus regenerating and functionally consolidating the organism. I would probably feel better and maintain good health for a long time, if I had assumed the religious habit and remained in monastery, but it is addiction. I believe that it would not lead to permanent improvement because the problem in the physical part would persist slowly due to good spiritual state and good energy in the monastery, and I am sure it would eventually result in deterioration of my health. This assumption is supported by the fact that that the priests (of different religions) and monks, which I met there, have various health problems, and suffer from different, even the most severe, illnesses although they are in good spiritual state and are full of good energies. This indicates to the fact that despite fulfilling these two segments of their being, they have physical defects in the organisms that cause dysfunctions of parts of the organism, and even of the entire body, and, at the same time, they represent an ideal basis for the development of various diseases.
The balance of activities in spiritual, energy and physical spheres is more important than the number and quality of activities in certain spheres because spirituality and energy therapies that I underwent and SOUL enabled me to solve my problem permanently in comparison to supreme spirituality and energy without using SOUL. The people who use SOUL but are not engaged in any spiritual activity of energy therapy experience the same thing. They achieve temporary improvement, become addicted to SOUL and they cannot solve some problems even if they take more quantities of SOUL so they tend to reject it as ineffective, which is the most common case in my surrounding.
All the previously mentioned leads to the conclusion that: in order to enjoy good health permanently , we should be engaged in spiritual activities that are supported by various positive energy therapies, we should fill our body with materials that would enable and promote regeneration of endangered cells and functional consolidation of organism and we should further support it by receiving massages and doing relaxation and recreational sport activities.

Recuperation of my daughter and metamorphosis
.At a time when I realized that SOUL was helpful, my daughter was 13.5 years old and was fraught with problems. I will try to remember some: she was always ill, she was constantly infected with some virus and had runny nose all the time (average use of tissues was 4-5 packs a day, she never left home without carrying at least 2 packs of tissues), she would catch any epidemic disease at school, she was allergic to all kinds of pollen, especially to ambrosia (her throat would become so swollen that it could cause suffocation), she had learning problems, she learned all day (my wife and me helped her, and I claim that she learnt more during her first seven grades of primary school than me during my primary and secondary school together) and she was hardly able to repeat what she had learnt that day and the previous lessons had already been forgotten. She was very slow in all the activities, she was not able to finish her oral and written exams on time. At the end of the first semester of Grade VII that year, she did not achieve good success at school and received very low grades.
the report book 1 is attached – click here
She “trained” volleyball, and since she was over weighted and slow, she was more a trouble than a player, she never got tired during training. She was quiet and did not talk much in a company and was influenced by others. At home, she was lazy and unwilling to do anything. After noticing the good effects of SOUL, and I had already found some important information about it, I started giving this product to her. She was infected by a virus. The third night she was sweating and was completely recovered, and I continued to give her SOUL. Then the transformation began: allergy was drastically reduced (this spring she did not suffer from any), she was better at remembering what she learnt, at her initiative, she started learning alone and by the end of the school year, she finished school with excellent grades with our minimal help. In Grade 8, she had no problems with learning, she learned independently (sometimes asked specific questions), she became faster and was able to finish oral and written exams on time and at the end of the first semester she achieved notable success in higher grades and she finished school with excellent grades with much less independent learning.
the report book 2 is attached – click here
I hope there will be no hindrance in progress but her health has drastically improved. She is no longer ill and does not have runny nose all day long. During the last school year, she was 3 or 4 times ill when there were epidemics at school. Every time, we treated illness with SOUL. She would usually sweat the third night (she took SOUL before sleep) and would recover the next day. Before she started taking SOUL, she would be ill for 10 days on average during the epidemic, and sometimes she would be affected by illness at the beginning and at the end of the epidemic. After less than 2 months of taking SOUL, her trainer asked me if I trained with her additionally. She started running, exercising, and she did her best at trainings so she became a backup for the team, and lost weight. She even showed initiative in exercising and running with me during summer holiday. She became presumptuous, prudent and confident, and even succeeded in becoming a leader. The only problem is that she is still “lazy” at home and it is probably because she does not take enough SOUL. For financial reasons, she does not take SOUL regularly, I give it to her when necessary and occasionally for a couple of days. With regard to spirituality, she goes to church every Sunday morning and take Communion. She used to do it before she started taking SOUL, but general improvements began after SOUL.