
– Why do sportsmen drink SOUL?
Primarily for D-ribose which gives them extra energy. D-ribose is not processed in the body, but it goes directly through the blood into the cells.
– What is D-ribose?
D-ribose is a sugar with 5 carbon atoms and it is produced in our organism from food and in contact with oxygen it releases energy in cells. It is the basis of the cell energy system and our energy system as well. It is a natural stimulant, so SOUL has certificates for use from all the world’s anti-doping organizations.
– Does SOUL perform its primary function of CLEANING, REGENERATION AND FUNCTIONAL CONSOLIDATION OF THE ORGANISM in these cases, too?
Yes, but to a lesser extent and much more slowly, because D-ribose, which in this process serves to stimulate the regeneration of cells and their energization (but also of the whole organism), is spent on physical activity, and nutrients are spent on the work and development of cells that are active in sports.
– Is it necessary to first conduct the process of cleansing, regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism, before using SOUL as a stimulus in sports?
It is not necessary, but it is useful and advisable for several reasons: 1) The energy derived from D-ribose will certainly not give a full effect if the body is troubled with various health problems, defects of the organism, injuries, inflammations, micro inflammations, dysfunctions of some organs, various toxins, bad fats, free radicals, etc., and therefore a bad psychic state. 2) By improving the state of the organism with this process, all this will be eliminated and the natural functions of the organism will be established, and the physical and intellectual performances, capabilities and durability of the organism will be increased (the natural state of the organism). 3) this organized organism is a stable basis for upgrading, development and progress in sports, but in other areas of life, too.
– During the recovery of the organism we shouldn’t do sports?
On the contrary, physical activity stimulates these processes but not exhausting and excessive activities, because they use up all the SOUL potential, so there is not enough left for the processes. Activities should be recreational, relaxing, with a lot of stretching and occasional, short straining.
– How long will the recovery of the organism last?
Nobody knows that, because it is absolutely individual. It depends on the condition of the organism, and also on what you will find satisfactory. You can do it in stages, until you reach the satisfactory level.
– Will it help the recovery from injury?
Yes, to a greater or lesser degree, it is described in the user guide.
– Will it improve the mental state?
Yes, especially in the full treatment, which includes spiritual activities, energy treatments and massages. You may think this is too much, but remember that every successful sportsman has a spiritual therapist or spiritual leader.
– Do you need spirituality, energy treatments and massages with the use of SOUL?
They are not necessary, but they help achieving faster and easier results that are comprehensive and lasting.
– What role does SOUL have, after the first (preparatory) phase of using SOUL, when the organism is brought into a healthy and functional state?
This is the second phase of the use of SOUL, the development phase, in which SOUL has a multiple role: 1) D-ribose gives additional energy to the cells (energizes them), and to the whole organism. So it works stimulatively to development and progress. 2) with its nutritional composition it builds up the cells, and has a structural role in development. 3) the cell regeneration process returns functions to the cells, the protective function as well. On this basis, the immune system of the organism, which has a health-preventive protection role, is activated while the organism is exposed to efforts and exhaustion for development and progress. 4) D-ribose provides a large energy concentration in the body, and in case of increased energy consumption, it quickly returns energy to organism. 5) it allows and supports the function of organs and helps maintain regular functioning of the organs and the whole organism, which is extremely important during the efforts.

We all know that nowadays all top athletes use some of the dietary supplements and that it is not possible to achieve impressive results without additional concentrated energy and nutrients. Given the characteristics of the SOUL (a wide range of effects), most top athletes use just SOUL. Here, you can hear some of them expressing their opinion about SOUL:
At tennis matches during the break, you can see that our national and foreign top tennis players open the bag

(mono dose) of a supplement (the white bag is SOUL). We see the tennis players because they do not go to the locker room during the break. Other sportsmen are supplied with energy in the locker room during breaks, which they probably do during training.
* The first and the basic reason why sportsmen start using SOUL is D-RIBOSE(sugar with 5 carbon atoms) which is not processed in the body, but immediately (in a few minutes, 15-30) goes to the cells through the blood and feeds them, where in contact with oxygen releases energy. It is this energy that forces sportsmen to make a decision and start using SOUL in order to withstand rigorous training, and particularly to accumulate energy for the competition, to supply them with energy during the competition, and to rapidly recover energy after physical effort.
- SOUL has certificates for use obtained from all the world’s anti-doping organizations because D-ribose is not a stimulating agent that narrows blood vessels, raises blood pressure, and, in various ways, brings the organism into unnatural state so that the best results can be obtained from the
existing resources, which further damages the organism. This is what contemporary stimulants do. D-ribose is produced by our organism through food processing. It is processed sugar (monosaccharide), which, in contact with oxygen, releases energy into cells. It is found in every cell of our organism and it is the basis of the cell energy system, and the energy system of a man. Since the obtained D-ribose that we intake into the body does not go through the process of food processing in our body, but through the bloodstream it immediately goes into the cells, we can call it “fast energy” in every day speech.
* If someone drinks SOUL for its secondary purpose, it does not mean that its primary purpose is not fulfilled, which is CLEANSING, REGENERATION AND FUNCTIONAL CONSOLIDATION OF THE ORGANISM. The energy you obtain from D-ribose will certainly not produce the best results if your body is blocked by various health problems, defects in the organism, injuries, inflammation, micro inflammations, dysfunction of some organs, various toxins, unhealthy fats, free radicals and alike and by bad psychological state.
In this case, we get the primary purpose of SOUL, which, with its rich natural content, activates the immune system, cleansing, detoxification and revitalization of cells in the entire organism, and regeneration and functional consolidation of the entire organism getting it into maximum (natural) functional state.
This way, physical and psychosomatic problems are resolved and automatically the performance, abilities and endurance of the organism are improved, thus achieving the best results in both sport and life. In doing so, your organism has been returned into naturally good state with intrinsic performances, the abilities and endurance.
* Apart from its stimulating role (the above described energy from D-ribose), SOUL also has material role in the organism, because it contains all necessary material for proper development of your organism and has effects at cellular level and due to its natural content, it can go through blood brain barrier to the brain.
This means that with regeneration ( first (basic) phase in the process of using SOUL), it can promote development of all organs and parts of the organism that are stimulated by activities, thus providing conditions for further development and progress (second phase in the use of SOUL).
SOUL also has protective role in the organism, because with its wide range of effects, together with regeneration and functional consolidation, it regulates the organism and gets it into maximum functional state, and then protects it and prevents any disorders and diseases that can be caused by tiredness and exhaustion of the organism. It will maintain the immune system at extremely high level, which will significantly reduce the possibility of various transient health problems caused by viruses, infections, allergies and alike, thus it will ensure continuity in exercises and progress, which is extremely important. With its composition, it will perform a whole range of processes that will protect the body from various damage and diseases, and support the organism in its development. Economic effect is also visible here, because the amount of D-ribose that one bag of SOUL contains (D-ribose is obtained from pressed seeds) costs in free sale as one bag of SOUL. This means that if you bought SOUL because of D -ribose, you would get its primary effect free. You have to admit that this is a good offer. It solves your physical and psychosomatic problems free of charge, and you are full of energy at the regular price of D-ribose.
*The fact that SOUL is used by top sportsmen does not mean that it should not be used by less successful athletes (perhaps it will help them become outstanding). It should be particularly used by sportsmen with the goal of becoming professionals, because due to the above-mentioned processes in the organism, if they use SOUL, it can improve the performance and endurance of the organism, which leads to the conditions for progress. Therefore, with additional energy (from D-ribose) and exercises, progress is inevitable. When you consider all the processes that SOUL stimulates and performs in the body and their significance, you will understand that SOUL should be used by all who do sports in some way, even the recreationalists, mountain trekkers and dancer. In one word, all those who are do additional physical exercises, and especially those who expect progress and better results.

If you read the chapter “What is SOUL?”, you could notice that it was made for the recovery of children who underwent chemotherapy. Bearing in mind that it was successful in recovering the organism damaged by illness, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, it clearly has effects on the organisms less damaged by something else, so that was the reason why RAIN bought it and obtained certificates from the most famous world laboratories, put it on the market under the name “SOUL”. Since it has complex composition and specific and broad range of effects, it can be applied in various segments of life and health, and it produces outstanding results if used preventively. All this can be supported with my previous experience with SOUL and its strong effects (described in the section “Personal experience”) and how the already strong effects of SOUL are multiplied and produce qualitative and lasting results in combination with spirituality and energy treatments. In doing so, based on personal experience, results obtained from monitoring the effects that SOUL had on my friends, and based on previous knowledge and perception of the processes of SOUL, I devised the methods of using SOUL for certain purposes in order to get the best possible results from its use. I am hereby presenting and explaining the methods to you through this site because some people take it randomly and do not have any significant results.
SOUL works at cellular and organic levels. At cellular level: by eliminating free radicals (if it is necessary), by boosting the immune system, detoxification and revitalizing the cells, it regenerates them, thus regenerating the body tissue (eliminates defects and damages in the organism caused in different ways), and reestablishes its natural functions. At organic level: it initiates, supports and carries out the processes in the body that reduce various inflammations in the body, eliminates parasites and their by-products from the body (which are the basis for the formation and development of the disease), eliminates the consequences of the poor state of the organism, thus helping the body to reestablish its proper natural functions and get into a healthy and functional state. As a result, there is an improvement in physical performance, ability and endurance of the body (natural-inborn state), with reduced conditions for the formation and development of a disease. Considering the fact that it is 100% natural, it manages to pass through the blood brain barrier, so it “feeds” the brain cells leading to intellectual progress and maintenance of mental health.
This is its primary purpose, to recover the already damaged organism, because :
The process of cell regeneration at cellular level is carried out by SOUL, which with its rich natural composition supplies the cells with all the necessary elements for their proper functioning and they begin to reestablish their defense functions by first eliminating toxins and poisons from the body (DETOXIFICATION). This is why SOUL is called FUNCTIONAL FOOD FOR CELLS. SOUL contains unrefined oils that are used for cleaning the cell membrane from molecules of refined and petroleum oils and returns their elasticity and permeability, thus enabling detoxification. It also contains D-ribose that supports these processes from energy aspects, and when the cells are cleansed, D-ribose establishes the energy system of cells (REVITALIZATION), because it is the basis for the energy system of the cells, and a man. As an effective antioxidant, it removes all five groups of free radicals from the cells. These processes enable the cells to REGENERATE and establish their defense functions, so that the IMMUNE SYSTEM can be established in the body.
This process of cell regeneration enables regeneration of the tissue, organs and the entire body and the natural functions in the body are restored.
In order for the organism to consolidate, it must be cleansed of inflammations, micro inflammation, parasites, their by-products, and the consequences of a previously poor state of the organism, which is done by SOUL with its effects at organic level.
The original and basic defects in the organism occur at cellular level by damaging cells and they are the direct causes of many other defects. Due to the lack of nutrients in food, the cells lose their defense mechanism (thus weakening the immune system of the organism) and their function is ceased causing the cell death. The cell death can be caused by various types of poison and toxins that enter the body through food, and refined and petroleum oils prevent their detoxification. In addition to this, the influence of free radicals due to the naturally poor living conditions and physical burden can also affect the deterioration of cells, which is inevitable, and the tissue as well. They cause functional disorders of the organism and energy blockage in the aura, thus leading to psychological changes. They are characterized by various parasites that cause numerous inflammations in the organism and represent the basis for the formation and development of diseases. These are minor defects and functional disorders of the organs and parts of the organs in the organism; they occur in an early childhood and deteriorate every day supported by the aforementioned causes and slowly destroying the organism from the inside, and when a person reaches old age, his/her body is destroyed. In people’s lives, there are a number of health problems because
By eliminating the defects, the basis for the formation and development of various diseases, as well as the diseases in the early stage that have not been rooted in the body (manifested or not) will be eliminated. This way, any disease is prevented and risk of disease development is reduced, and thus the possibility of having new, larger defects in the organism is reduced. Therefore, it can be concluded that when it comes to illnesses, SOUL can have a significant PREVENTIVE role if it is used in an adequate manner and on time, and not only when the organism is in an extremely bad condition, which is its primary purpose. If you browse the entire site, you will realize that this richness of pure nature and energy can contribute in different ways to better health, progress and quality of life.
If such a consolidated organism continues using SOUL, its constituent parts change their functions and focus on the proper functioning, upgrading and development of the organism on all bases, increasing the intellectual, physical and mental performances, abilities, endurance and strength of the organism itself ( second phase in the use of SOUL). If not used for regeneration, SOUL will support from material aspect (its rich nutritional composition) and stimulate energetically (D-ribose) any activity in the organism, and the development and progress of the body parts associated with that activity (regardless of being physical or intellectual). This way, the immune system and organic functions will provide the body with preventative health care while exerting efforts in development and advancement. Naturally, in addition to all mentioned, numerous organic functions of SOUL are always present and they have the main preventive role in such a consolidated body.
When all these processes are supported with spirituality, energy therapies, adequate massages, cleansing of the body part of the organism, the cleaning of spiritual and energy part of the organism will be performed and they will be harmonized from aspect of energy by functional consolidation of the organism. This significantly contributes to the good state of mind, quality and sustainability of achieved results and it will make the processes easier, faster, more comprehensive and qualitative (since this part is my personal experience, I write about it thoroughly in the instructions for use).
The process of cleansing, revitalization, functional consolidation and harmonization of the organism is the most complex method for the recovery of the organism (it involves physical, spiritual and energy segments) with the most effective and complex medium for physical and functional recovery of the organism that everybody needs for many reasons (some of them will be mentioned further in the text). I recommend it to everyone (especially to children because they will have the most benefits) as the first (basic) phase in the process of using SOUL, and also to those who drink or want to drink SOUL for some reason because they should take increased dose of SOUL to intensify and accelerate these processes and get the organisms into a healthy and functional state characterized by natural (intrinsic) performances and eliminated possibilities for the development of a disease. After that, everyone should decide for themselves whether they will maintain good health by occasional use of SOUL (I doubt they will change diet and lifestyle) and by being involved in spiritual activities, or they will continue to drink reduced dose in order to get some results, or take reduced dose of SOUL and be involved in spiritual activities in order to maintain good health and life without illnesses with a lot of energy, which is, according to my division, the second phase in the use of SOUL, or they will finish with SOUL.
Naturally, the need and interest in the effects of SOUL are not the same for everyone. The material role of SOUL is important for children because they grow and develop. The other important role is health and protective (immunological) role because their immune system is weakened as they grow and develop. The important matter for athletes is energy (D-ribose), which, if it does not revitalize the cells, can serve as an additional energy for sports activities, or faster recovery after some activity, and the material role is also important for them for development and progress, and other benefits it provides. For ill people, it is important to strengthen the body and improve the immune system, and for the elderly, everything is important from energy, antioxidants, the immune system, the nutritional composition to many organic functions of SOUL. Based on these needs and interests, I made this presentation of SOUL for four target groups and the instructions for use were based on my personal experience (described in the chapter “Personal experience”) so that you can get the best possible results from using SOUL. If some effects of SOUL are not important for a certain group, and I do not even mention them, it does not mean that they are not exerted at least for preventive purpose.
Unfortunately, we are witnessing mass artificial food production in unnatural conditions and a market that demands it to be as cheap as possible. We pay the price with contaminated food (meat industry – hormones and antibiotics; crops, fruits and vegetables – herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, and other poisons) and empty food. Empty (artificial) zoogenic foods can be recognized, for example when half of your steak disappears in a frying pan, however, with vegetarian foods you may not be able to recognize it so easily, except for the taste. Due to soil degrading and plants getting insufficient nutrition, their nutrition value has fallen below 10%).
After removing their peeling and treating them with heat, that percentage drops even lower.
It results in our bodies getting weaker every day, and due to insufficient substances, defects in the organism, noticeable or unnoticeable, minor or major, are evident. These defects lead to functional disorders of the organism, psyche and intellect.
These disorders are evident in the early childhood and are present daily.
These are minor defects and functional disorders of organs and parts of organs in the body, which take place at the cellular level and go through the tissue; we do not notice them and we do not find them significant.
We suffer from them and we are faced with these problems through life as unavoidable, and they impede and limit our progress in many ways until we reach the old age and then they destroy us. They are really persistent on a daily basis and supported by poor nutrition, naturally bad living conditions, bad habits, environmental pollution, stress, physical efforts, parasites, development of various diseases ……… destroying slowly our body.
We react to them only when they are a major functional problem in our body or develop an inflammatory process or some disease.
With their position in the body, defects cause various functional disorders in the body, which, with the development of defects, progress and spread, causing health problems and new functional disorders of the organism by destroying the body. On the other hand, all these defects (since the organism cannot defend) are exposed to various viruses, bacteria, fungi and other parasites, which will cause inflammatory processes in those places that will further cause new health problems. The inflammation is treated with medicine but it also causes defects that will progress and create by-products of inflammation and other causes of inflammation, as well as the micro-inflammations that cannot be treated by medicine, thus creating the ideal bases for development various diseases, even the worst ones.
Naturally, all this is accompanied by psychosomatic problems in the spiritual sphere.
If you take into account that the immune because of the lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet, it is clear that the organism itself has no chance to cope with these problems.
Since a man is a physical and spiritual being in the environment full of various energies and radiation, we know that energy blockages will be created in the place of the defect (this place is not under the protection of human energies). This way, various radiations will affect the defects through the blockage stimulating various deformations and health problems at cellular level. At the same time, negative energies will accumulate steadily on the blockage which will certainly have an impact on the psyche of the person, and it will certainly have effect on the further life of a man because he/she neglects spirituality and energies.
In doing so, we constantly live on the same contaminated food, and “bad oils” (processed vegetable oils and petroleum oils) prevent the cells from being cleansed of toxins and poisons and consequently the cell and the organism are deteriorated. The lack of calories in food results in weakening of the energy system of the organism, and environmental pollution (water, air, soil), everyday stress, intake of toxins and poisons, hard work or physical exercises results in increased number of free radicals and reduced ability of the organism to fight them by creating antioxidants, which causes deterioration of cells, and organism as well. All this creates new functional disorders in the organism, and even new health problems, thus creating the ideal conditions for the formation and development of various diseases.
When you take all this into account, the following sentence makes more sense:
It is not pointless to say that : „health comes through the mouth.“
We have already got used to ‘’sleepy“ immune system because there are a lot of things that bother us, from house dust mites in bed sheets to pollen which is activated by some artificial vitamins from the pharmacy when some virus attacks us and as soon as we solve the problem of pollen, we let our immune system “sleep” peacefully. In addition, we have the poisons and toxins that we take into our bodies through contaminated food, and “unhealthy oils” that prevent cleansing of cells (a new disaster for the body). If we do sports and use a significant amount of energy, due to the lack of calories in food, it will most likely result in deformation of the energy system and we will start wasting our own substance, our inner life energy. If we add to this the increased number of free radicals due to poor natural living conditions, contaminated food and physical efforts (physical activities produce free radicals), as well as various radiations and negative energy concentrations, enhanced by technological progress, which will concentrate on the blocked parts of the organism (through their energy blockages), and those are parts of the organism that suffer from disorder, as well as a number of other factors that have bad effects on the organism, it is clear that today sportmen develop their skills and build their careers on the wrong bases and with poor material.
The result is evident: various health problems, frequent injuries, lack of energy, fatigue and tiredness, psychological problem (bad mood and irritability) and most likely some disease or illness, and I should not mention the effort to achieve results in such a state, it seems impossible.
We all know that with a couple of vitamin C tablets (artificial, in which there is more powder than vitamins), we are able to improve our immune system, but can you imagine what improvement in immunesystem can be achieved by richness of natural vitamins and minerals contained in SOUL. After taking SOUL, someone can feel a current of cool air through the whole body, someone can feel like having a slightly high temperature (but there is no temperature), and there is someone who does not feel anything, just feeling better (personally, I have friend who after having taken 4 sachets of SOUL, he said: “Strange, the outside temperature is 12C, and I sit next to the open window and I am not cold. I feel like having a slight fever but I do not have it. I feel good”). It is your best personal doctor of in the world and it starts general ‘’cleansing“ of your organism. In doing so, all the required tools, material and energy are provided by SOUL. No one knows the sequence of “cleansing”, how long it will last and what your organism will need. It is individual, and the process of cleansing is usually opposite of the way the problem occurred and depends on the state of the organism, but it is certain that the following processes among others, will be involved:
*elimination of viruses, bacteria, fungi and other parasites from the organism
*reduction of all inflammations and micro-inflammations that organism is full of as a result of major inflammations, illnesses and injuries and they are the basis for new disease outbreak.
*elimination of inflammations, viruses and bacteria leads to the reduction of the risk of development of any illness. In case that some illness starts developing, it will be immediately eliminated from the organism by eliminating its basis but if it has been developed, the immune system will have to work harder and it will take more time and more quantity of SOUL for the organism to recover from illness.
*in case of people who do sports, the process involves removal of free radicals which accumulate due to increased physical activities, or which are generated due to poor living conditions or age, and which organism cannot neutralize by producing antioxidants and insufficient amount of antioxidants obtained through food. Cell death is induced by free radicals and they prevent their regeneration. These processes have created conditions for the regeneration of cells and tissues.
*purification of cell membranes from molecules of ‘’bad“ oils and possibility for the cells to be purified from different toxins and poisons, and stimulate this process by giving cells all necessary nutrients for their regeneration because SOUL contains all required ingredients for that and it is FUNCTIONAL FOOD FOR CELLS. This process is called cellular detox.
*the cells will be supported energetically to perform cellular detox and restore energy system, thus recovering and consolidating the energy system of the entire organism. This process is called revitalization of cells and organism.
*this process will enable recovery of cells and elimination of body defects and their consequences and the proper function of the organism will be established. This process will alleviate many health problems, the organism will work more, and physical performances of the organism will be improved. This is regeneration and functional consolidation of a body.
*providing the brain with all necessary ingredients,then intellectual progress, and the maintenance of mental health begins.
*regulation of the entire cardiovascular system and blood.
*since SOUL contains natural ingredients, it will stimulate numerous process in the body that will neutralize the consequences of previously bad state, get the body into optimal state, upgrade it and have preventive effects on the entire body which is thoroughly explained in the chapter “All about SOUL”, in which it is described how and on what basis, all these processes take place.
All these processes can be called: STANDARD (BASIC) CLEANSING PROCESS, REGENERATION AND FUNCTIONAL CONSOLIDATION OF THE BODY WITH SOUL, which is actually its main purpose.
All these processes that will be stimulated by SOUL in your body will get the body into natural state and maximum functional state with natural (inherent) performances, abilities and endurance and they will enable proper upgrading of all of them and other elements, thus providing the body with developmental and energy support and preventive health protection in this process for proper development and progress. In other words, SOUL will get your organism into optimal healthy state, thus stimulating your natural (inherent) performances, abilities and endurance. It will support your physical and intellectual development by devoting energy and it will preventively keep you in good health while you develop and achieve progress.

With its effects, SOUL will bring your organism into an optimum healthy state, thus enabling you your natural (intrinsic) performances, abilities and endurance. It will support your physical and intellectual development with energy support and preventively maintain good health while you develop and make progress, with a lot of help in doing sports, and life in general.
The purpose of sport is health and not deteriorating your health for achieving success in sports, which became a trend in the 20th century and continues to be in this century. WITH SOUL THE MAIN PURPOSE OF SPORT WILL BE ACHIEVED; DO SPORT, HAVE ENERGY, BE STRONG, FAST, AND SKILLFUL, ACHIEVE RESULTS, BECOME A CHAMPION, BUT BE AND STAY HEALTHY AND FIT.

If we return now to the primary function of SOUL which is cleansing, regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism with detoxification and revitalization of the organism at cellular level, and the activation of the immune system, it is clear that SOUL, with its primary purpose, will eliminate defects and functional disorders in the organism, remove toxins from the body, regenerate and stabilize the energy system of the organism, eliminate parasites and inflammatory processes from the body. Therefore, all real bases for the formation and development of a more serious disease will be eliminated. With other processes that are stimulated by its composition and with the help of hyperactive immune system, SOUL will eliminate the majority, and possibly all the anomalies and consequences in the organism, caused by previous bad state of the organism. Those consequences can be dysfunctions of certain organs, free radicals, and the problem in cardiovascular system, poor blood count, blood pressure, rheumatic pain, stiffness, as well as many other consequences. For example, in my case, SOUL helped me recover from old injuries from sports and life, partial stiffness in hand caused by fracturing my arm 41 years ago, and it helped me heal internal scars from the surgery which I underwent 30 years ago and parts of the organism got into normal function after many years (described in the section “Personal experience”). This way, we provide a good and sound basis for the development of athletes and building of sports careers, which, with the constant use of SOUL, has real chances to give good results, and above all to enable healthy and proper development and maintenance of good health.
Everyone who does sports, even for recreational purposes, should drink SOUL for the above-mentioned reasons. After regulating the state of our organism (of course, to a certain extent) because we still eat unhealthy food, live and work in naturally poor conditions with bad habits, and when we exhaust our body with physical activities, it will very soon get into previously bad state. Apart from the fact that it will prevent new defects and functional disorders in the organism, it will support and stimulate (from both material and energy aspects with preventive health care) all our progress and development by performing a wide range of functions in the body and keeping it in good state and it will preventively protect, stimulate and support many processes and be helpful in many situations. Therefore, I will list some of its effects: it will maintain the immune system at an extremely high level, which will greatly reduce the possibility for the formation of various transient illnesses caused by viruses, infections, allergies and alike, preventively protect the body against damages and diseases, it will perform detoxification of the organism, it will maintain and supply the energy system with additional energy, eliminate free radicals, regulate the cardiovascular system, protect the heart, regulate blood pressure and blood count, stimulate the work of the lungs, supplement the brain, prevent inflammation and cramps, it will eliminate the pain in muscles and joints, speed up the recovery from injuries, increase endurance, quickly recover energy, rapidly supply with additional energy, reduce the feeling of fatigue and rest, enable easy movement, and psychologically good state, good mood and much more and a person should experience that all, because I cannot describe everything to you, but I can suggest and provide guidelines about how to achieve the best results with SOUL and experience it all by yourselves.

Oh, what I have just told you about; it sounds like a fairy tale: you will be healthier, smarter, more capable, more resourceful, full of energy, you will need less time for rest, you will not feel tired after training, no pain in muscles and joints, no sore muscles, you will easily overcome injuries, you will recover from old injuries, the constant progress and development will be seen …., you will become champions and the reason for all the previously mentioned lies in SOUL. However, it is quite understandable that you do not believe in what I am talking about because it sounds like a fairy tale, and fairy tales are not real. Is this a fairy tale or it seems magical like a fairy tale, Is all this possible, or is this yet another fraud in a row? Are you throwing your money away, once again? These issues are currently troubling you and preventing you from doing something good and meaningful for yourself. Do not worry. RAIN took care of the risk, and I will take care of all your concerns and give you the necessary explanation. If you buy SOUL thorugh this site, you will open the section ‘’For SOUL users’’, from which you will learn how to achieve the best results by selling SOUL based on my knowledge, experience and instructions. You will also find explanations about physical, spiritual and energy parts of human being and the part ‘’All about SOUL“, in which I describe the methods and ways in which SOUL affects the organism, so you will be able to monitor all these processes in the organism stimulated by SOUL.

So, this trial will either be beneficial (start the general ‘cleansing’ process, but not finishing it because it takes more time and more SOUL for that), or it will not cost you anything. as for the professional education and instructions for use, you can find them on this site in the ‘’SOUL users’’ section