Since SOUL is a product which is primarily made for special medical purposes (recovery of children with malignant disease who had been through chemotherapy), it carries out numerous functions in the organism and has an extremely wide range of effects on the human organismSince it has been purchased by RAIN it still remains the only fifth generation supplement with conceivably the widest range of effects. Given that not all of the effects are necessary to everyone (except to the persons it was primarily designed for), and in order not to confuse you with all the facts from the start, I have classified potential users of SOUL into four categories: children, athletes, health, and elderly people, and adapted the presentation of the effects of SOUL specially for each category of potential buyers; presentations include the expected processes and results that will unfold while using SOUL which a given category of buyers could regard significant.

 If you recognize yourself in one of these 4 categories and buy a box of SOUL, or you purchase SOUL simply because you wish to try the world’s most powerful supplement, if you  purchase it on this website, the chapter „For users of SOUL“ will open which contains my experience-based instructions and how to achieve the best possible results with SOUL in a new, specific and complex way. In addition, it contains a full education on SOUL („All about SOUL) which I recommend you read while consuming SOUL.This way you will be able to follow all the ongoing processes triggered by it. Naturally, before reading this you should read the “What is SOUL ?”  chapter in order to acquire elementary knowledge about SOUL. Make sure to read the „Personal experience“ chapter so that you could understand how SOUL helped me and my daughter. It is this experience that I will base my guidance on to help you achieve the same results as we did.

Certain texts seem too long nowadays when people are lazy to read, thus I have shortened some of them, although it would be desirable that you read their full versions. I believe that texts that have not been shortened should be read from their beginning to the end as they contain important information, and education is important in every aspect. I believe that a bit more reading than we are used to is well worth the effort, considering what you will get with SOUL and this education. You can ask questions about anything that interests you in the Questions and answers part, or by E-mailing your distributorPurchase of each box of any RAIN product on this website ( through a distributor registered on this website) adds 10% to the distributor’s profit and three humanitarian actions. With SOUL, where the distributor’s profit is 10$ per sold box, you contribute 0,5$ to two humanitarian actions (0,25 $ to each) organized by the RAIN company in ……………………. and 0,5$ to a humanitarian action which will be carried out through the website by donating SOUL to people who are in need of it but cannot afford it. More information about the action will be available in the „Humanitarian section“ chapter.

            Once you have fulfilled your expectations regarding SOUL and are convinced about its powerful effect, you shall have adequate education about it and its influences on the human organism, as well as its significance, thus you will be able to make an estimate whether or not you will continue taking SOUL preventively as a supplement, or if it has completed its mission in your life. If you are satisfied with SOUL, or if you recommend SOUL to someone because you have found out something about it that could be of certain use to someone, RAIN will reward you for it, for more information check out section Soul as a job.Given that you are on a website through which I am introducing a novelty to the world of trade and hope to achieve an extraordinary financial effect, if you believe that SOUL is something that should be used in a larger scale, I guarantee you success and significant financial effect through this website and method. You should register as a distributor on the website, whereupon chapter For distributors“ will open which contains the description of this method as well as its application.

            There are buyers, distributors and mentors in this business, the person who introduced SOUL to you and registered you as a buyer, or the person who invited you to visit the website through a flyer (his name is on the flyer).Once you have purchased at least one box of SOUL, you can register as a buyer on the website by entering your distributor’s name in the required field and entering your personal data. Your distributer receives a 10 $ ( 9 euros) commission fee for every box of SOUL that you purchase, as long as you are in the buyers’ category. If you opened the website accidentally, you will find my name in the „distributors“ section as the website is my property, thus I shall be your distributor. If the name on the flyer is not on the website there has been an attempt of misuse, so in order to be entitled to the website, choose one of the existing distributors from the list (call me or contact me via e-mail before you do just in case, to avoid mistakes).  In case you wish to register someone as a buyer, you first have to become a distributor yourself; this is achieved by purchasing one box of SOUL, at a price which includes 72 Euros for registration and access to RAIN software, or with buying 4 boxes of SOUL, for which you get 4% of discount in price, as well as free registration and access to RAINs software.At this point, your distributor becomes your mentor and has the obligation to educate you about business because now you will start receiving an 9 euro fee from your buyers per each sold box; whilst your distributor enters a system of rewarding based on collected points where his points depend on your sales, so it is in his interest that your trading is successful. However, considering the possibility of using the website both for educational and trading purposes  (under condition your distributor is registered on it as one), I believe that neither your mentor, nor you, if you become a mentor to someone new, will not have a lot of trouble regarding education .

            If you register on the website as a buyer (this is achieved by buying at least one box of SOUL from one of the distributors on the website), you will be able to open the part of the site meant for users of SOUL. It is comprised of two parts, the „Instructions for users“ and „All about SOUL, respectively, where I will aim you towards achieving the best results by drinking SOUL through my personal experience and acquired knowledge, this guidance will be available to your buyers, too. Once you have registered as a distributor on the site, in addition to the part „For users of SOUL“,  you will be able to open the section called For distributors“, where you will be introduced to a new method of work with flyers and the website, and you will be able to download and print your own flyers which I recommend for work; in addition to this you will be able to read some of the instructions as to how to easily and quickly get business going using flyers and this website and achieve the best possible results.

            Since I have made the process of acquiring new buyers significantly simpler, easier and quicker for distributors with the help of this website and flyers, saved some effort with the presentation of SOUL, education of new buyers as well as new distributors and made the entire process of work quicker and more simple and ask nothing in return for all of this, except for you to be humane, which is the only condition of this website (we have entered the era of spirituality, I am inviting you to spirituality through SOUL, I think it is important to be at least a bit spiritual). Each person who wants to become a distributor through this website has to give up 10% of their income from dirct sales for 3 charity organizations, of which 2,5% will be donated to each humanitarian action carried out by RAIN, and 5% will be donated to the humanitarian action which will be organized on the website and during which we will donate SOUL to those who are in need of it but are not able to buy it. More information about the action will be available in the „Humanitarian section“ chapter “.

            If the website proves to be successful and starts making profit, we shall tend to implement a 5% deduction from every distributor’s profit, which will be used for improving the website (rewarding those who publish positive experiences on the page, various actions, etc), which will surely improve the sales of SOUL and automatically bring more profit.


 Since I have noticed a tendency towards stealing both from buyers as well as theft of intellectual property, I would like to ask all my dear fellow distributors who are not registered on the website not to attempt any abuse of this website and not to direct their buyers or potential buyers to this website in order to take advantage of my intellectual property as a police report will be filed against them (IP addresses from which they logged in) for unauthorized use of intellectual property, avoiding humanitarian donations and commission fees which myself and other registered distributors are entitled to.