I introduce to you a product that is the fruit of Dr. Arnold S. Leonard’s 50 year long experience in treating children from cancer and leukemia and his 20 year long clinical research. The Arnold S. Leonard Cancer Research Fund deals with cancer research in children and for the past 20 years it has been the main
foundation to research cancer related illnesses at the University of Minnesota (www.aslcancerfund.org). Dr Leonard’s research encompasses finding ways for children to get back on their feet after radiation and chemotherapy as well as enabling them to regain and maintain their health. Dr Arnold S. Leonard publishes all his research in scientific journals and medical textbooks. He is a leading physician in this field at various academies and a lecturer at science conferences.
SOUL is a medical drink made of cold pressed seeds of black cumin, black raspberry and Chardonnay grapes with a small added portion of D-ribose and the seeds’ finely sliced peeling in a scientifically researched proportion, in order to reach a synergy effect of increased multiplication of the impact of each separate ingredient due to cumin having the quality of catalyses and augmenting the effect of each element that gets in contact with it. Thanks to it, black cumin was accepted by official American medicine in 1996, which enabled this plant to become once again part of medicine after hundreds of years. Black cumin was used by ancient people as one of the major herbs which was used to cure everything but death . SOUL developed as the result of decades of research performed by American experts, financed by the American government, as a means for children to recover after chemotherapy and this is its primary use: CLEANING, REGENERATION, AND FUNCTIONAL CONSOLIDATION OF ORGANISM. Keeping in mind that it can cure the body that was run-down from illness, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, it is clear that it is beneficial to less damaged organisms. A company called RAIN bought the product and, after receiving certificates from some of the best known laboratories, they put it out on the market under the name “SOUL”.
SOUL Certificates

Besides being used as a medical product, it has multiple uses so RAIN categorized the commercial nomenclature of the product as a food supplement and, as it is practically more than just a food supplement it is categorized as the fifth generation supplement, or the so called ‘energy seeds’ which in comparison to the former generations of supplements is the leading one. Today, it is still the only representative of this category of supplements. It is based on Dr Arnold S. Leonard’s findings that the seeds of the plants contain 30-50 times more nutritious value than the fruit of the plant itself and this is the key to its powerful effectiveness. SOUL has an extremely big concentration of nutritious ingredients, antioxidants, energy value and the synergy of the increased individual effects of these plants on the human body. All of which is refined with pure divine energy of life that each seed contains and which should give a breath of life to another plant and it is all kept in SOUL.
SOUL consists of:
- All 12 sorts of vitamins, in addition it contains vitamin E in 8, vitamin A in 3 and vitamin B in 5 different forms
- All 17 sorts of minerals, especially selenium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron and zinc which are represented in bigger amounts
- 9 essential amino-acids
- Essential fatty acids
- Pantothenic fatty acids
- Antioxidants with the ORAC 5,0 declaration
- Resveratrol from natural sources
- Fibers and other phytonutrients
- Anti-inflammatory- nigelon
- D-ribose

For the sake of comparison take a look at what a package of SOUL (single dose) changes and to what extent:

The peeling of the seed ensures that it is a 100{b4a383ea71e9649da27c161b21b0b9a9242e7694e1d13cbce1386c03e6df6110} pure, natural substance that has not been treated with any chemicals or radiation. The peeling comprises exceptional concentration of minerals and protective elements that protect the seed in all bad external conditions until it reaches a favourable environment where it can sprout. We have witnessed how our own digestive system is unable to harm the seeds and the body discards of them in whole. After the pressing of black cumin, black raspberry and the Chardonnay grape seeds, their peeling is cut to small slices (so that they become digestible) and added to SOUL because of their powerful ingredients. That is why seeds are called the perfect capsules.

In order that the unaltered substance of the seeds could get into SOUL, the cold pressed method is used at 35 degrees Celsius and the special packaging allows the preservation of SOUL without any additives. SOUL does not contain any chemical elements, gluten or GMO, which is certified by some of the most renowned laboratories. In addition, it has a ‘WORLD ANTI-DOPING AGENCY’ license and the most recent BSCG certificate.

We proudly announce that SOUL is a BSCG certified product.
This is an extremely important certification that once again proves the quality of our product. BSCG (Banned Substances Control Group) is the leading organisation with over 30 years experience of drug testing for the Olympics and other profession
al sports events. BSCG was founded in 2004 by anti-doping pioneers Don Caitlin M.D., his son and industrial leader Oliver Caitlin and the esteemed attorney Ryan Connolly. They are some of the most prominent representatives in the anti-doping industry. With a long history of overthrowing over 2000 products in this industry, SOUL is the first product that they openly support through their social media.
This is very important for the following reasons:
- SOUL has fulfilled the scrupulous, golden standards that BSCG set;
- It is difficult to achieve this which additionally confirms the quality of our product;
- SOUL is now supported by one of the most important supplement protection programs that exist today;
- SOUL is now among the prestigious top 2000 products that have been tested and certified by BSCG;
- Their testing comprises over 483 drugs, including 272 drugs from WADA or banned drugs, and 211 prescription, over-the-counter, or illicit drugs;
- SOUL is now clinically tested and does not contain any harmful substances;
- The protocol for passing BSCG testing is stern. The Golden Standard test includes 21 C.F.R. 111 GMP quality control process, raw ingredient evaluation and source evaluation as well as a toxicology report which identifies and determines the amount of potential toxins;
- SOUL has also passed a quality control which ensures the standard and quality of our product;
- SOUL has a unique position: it is one of the chosen products that has a BSCG golden standard but it is the only product to have public support;
- These prestigious successes do not only serve as confirmation for strengthening the company name but also provide faith to our consumers, partners and potential members of the RAIN family that our products satisfy high standards.
However, these are not the only certificates we hold.
Here is a list of other certificates:
- Brunswick Labs Certification
- Halal certification

SOUL is registered at the Ministry of Health as a food supplement under number 4483/2013 since 21/10/2013. The analysis has been carried out by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine in Belgrade.
Let us have a look at the ingredients, characteristics and effects of the plants that comprise SOUL:
Drink for the soul

It sounds unbelievable but everything indicates that black cumin is the best cure in the world. People in Ancient Egypt knew about its medicinal properties. Prophet Muhammad said that cumin cures everything, except for death and in the Arabic world it carries the name the ‘blessed seed’. Our civilization has also shown considerable interest in blackseed in the past 50 years during which time over 500 scientific studies were published outlining the numerous beneficial properties of this plant which can ease or eliminate 600 various illnesses and conditions. Blackseed has been introduced in official American medicine in 1996 for the following reasons:
Black cumin has the following properties, qualities:
- Analgetic – pain relief;
- Antihyperlipidemic – treating high levels of fats;
- Antibacterial;
- Antiallergenic;
- Anti-inflammatory;
- Antioxidative;
- Antifungal – fungicide;
- Antispasmodic – relief spasm;
- Antiviral;
- Bronchial relief and congestion relief;
- Antidiabetic;
- Protects and recovers the liver;
- Induces tumor necrosis, i.e. causes natural death of tumor cells;
- Increases insulin sensitivity;
- Reduces blood pressure;
- Protects and recovers kidneys.
These are not the only medicinal qualities of black cumin but they are the most commonly mentioned ones.
It would be pointless to copy from other websites the recipes and treatment methods of black cumin as well as all the illnesses and conditions that it can cure, from carcinomas to sore throats. Instead I will list a number of ways I have used black cumin with SOUL (as everything I have written so far was based on personal experience).
- I used to take one teaspoon of black seed oil every evening before going to bed, but after brushing my teeth, at the back of my mouth so that it covers my tonsils and uvula and I slept like that. The first thing I noticed was that I stopped snoring, after that the chronic swelling of my tonsils and uvula disappeared and finally the whole area of the mouth has contracted. 3 years ago I had my first spinal vertebra adjustment (atlas, which I recommend everyone to do) and it takes quite a long time to clean up the area and get rid of the accumulated sediment due to bad body posture, however, the black seed cleaned it very quickly. SOUL would have probably had the same results but why not help and speed up the process and save SOUL and time.
- A black seed recipe that caught my attention and I tried it and even used it later was titled ‘it helps even when it burns’. The smoke of black seed, together with the vapor of iodium from salt, can have extremely calming effects on the human psyche in small quantities. You will require iodized salt and black cumin seeds. Heat up a small pan (but tall one because cumin skips at high temperature) and add half a teaspoon of salt and about 10 cumin seeds. When the cumin burns it releases a bit of smoke which you should inhale. I used a church briquette (the one for incense) as it has a dent in the middle. I would put the cumin and salt in the dent and cover it all with a spoon so that the cumin would stay in there and the smoke could escape between the briquette and the spoon. I know you do not believe me but it helps. As we all know, you may become tense during the period of body cleansing so it would be good for you to do this. In case you are feeling tense more often, you should repeat it every day.
The roots of the Chardonnay grapes go as deep as 35 meters underground which allows access to soil that is very rich in minerals and other nutritive substances. The so-called paradox that the French consume very fatty and spicy food but have a low percent of population affected with blood vessel and heart diseases in comparison to other countries, has lead scientists to research why. Researchers have shown that it is due to resveratrol that can be found in wine which the French consume in abundance. The Chardonnay grape seed contains high percentage of resveratrol and proanthocyanidin, 95{b4a383ea71e9649da27c161b21b0b9a9242e7694e1d13cbce1386c03e6df6110} more than any other antioxidant complex.
Proanthocyanidin plays a major role in the health of the brain, as an antioxidant, and it improves cognitive functions, protecting the collagen. It is known for its efficacy in neutralizing hydroxyl radicals which are most harmful for the human body.
The primary role of resveratrol is to protect the blood vessels and heart because it prevents blood vessel and heart muscle fibrosis. It prevents blood clotting and therefore protects from thrombosis. It is good for the lungs. It improves the regeneration of healthy cells and rejuvenates them so it is presumed that it may prolong life. It is known to have an effect on cancer, slowing the growth of cancerous cells and even destroying them. It has a strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial impact and it protects from fungal infections. It is antiallergenic as it neutralizes histamine. It decreases the possibility of dementia and consequently Alzheimer’s disease. It prevents premature aging, regenerates collagen and ensures elasticity and softness of the skin. It increases the resistance of the body in stressful situations. It has a prominent effect in protecting the retina and it is recommended to diabetics and people with high blood pressure.
The black raspberry is one of the 10 strongest antioxidants among fruits and vegetables. The black raspberry seeds contain antioxidant phytonutrients, including ellagitannins and anthocyanins which are strong antioxidants and they help in many bodily functions which is why they are a good support to health in general. Although ellagitannins can be found in most berries, raspberry contains the highest level of it. Antioxidants find and eliminate substances that destroy cells which are called free radicals. Free radicals can be found in the body or may appear due to toxic exposure in your environment, or can appear due to strenuous work or workout, stress, smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.
Black raspberry is rich in ellagic acid, a phenolic compound that is known as a strong anti-carcinogenic that has an antibacterial and antiviral impact. They are rich in polyunsaturated Omega 3 fatty acids.
D-ribose is a monosaccharide, a sugar with 5 carbon atoms which releases energy in the cells when in contact with oxygen. It can be found in every cell of the body and it is the basis for the cells’ energy system and consequently the energy system for humans. The body produces it itself with the food that we consume, however, if our body experiences an abnormal increase of free radicals due to a workout, hard physical work, everyday stress, excessive smoking, excessive intake of saturated fat, old age, etc. it gets tired and less efficient in producing D-ribose to fuel our energy cells. For that reason we must supply our body with additional D-ribose in order to regenerate the energy cell system and ready D-ribose reaches straight to the cells very quickly.
Ribose can be found in ribonucleic acid, one of the most important information carriers in living organisms. It has an important role in protecting the heart, especially the cardiac muscle.
The collective effect of the components in SOUL, namely the Chardonnay grape seed, black raspberry seed, black cumin seed and D-ribose has a synergy effect by increasing the multiplied effect of every single ingredient.
Let’s have a look at some of the facts
Unfortunately, we are witnessing mass artificial food production in unnatural conditions and a market that demands it to be as cheap as possible. We pay the price with contaminated food (meat industry – hormones and antibiotics; crops, fruits and vegetables – herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, and other poisons) and empty food. Empty zoogenic foods can be recognized, for example when half of your steak disappears in a frying pan, however, with vegetarian foods you may not be able to recognize it so easily, except for the taste. Due to soil degrading and plants getting insufficient nutrition, their nutrition value has fallen below 10{b4a383ea71e9649da27c161b21b0b9a9242e7694e1d13cbce1386c03e6df6110} (see table). After removing their peeling and treating them with heat that percentage drops even lower. It results in our bodies getting weaker every day, and due to insufficient substances, defects and dysfunctions arise in the body, plus we continue to poison it with contaminated food.

We witness mass production of everything and of course, foods too which lose their quality more and more each day due to economic pressure through cheap food procession or cheap raw materials. As far as diets are concerned, the most dangerous methods are that of processing vegetable oils which contain trans fatty acids. These oils are bad for the human body. On the other hand, there is cheap petroleum oil (oil that derives from naphtha), which is not adequate for human use or consumption but it is used in the production of many things from food coloring, additives, medication, and cosmetics to various objects. The membranes of our cells are made up of 60{b4a383ea71e9649da27c161b21b0b9a9242e7694e1d13cbce1386c03e6df6110} of different oils and fats and when lacking in healthy oils, unhealthy oils get to the cells. The membrane becomes less permeable and prevents the cleansing of the cells from toxins and poisons which ultimately leads to the destruction of cells and the body.

The pollution of the environment (water, air and soil), everyday stress, the intake of toxins and poisons, hard work or exercise, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, excessive intake of saturated fats, aging, etc. all lead to increased formation of free radicals, and also weakens the body in fighting back by producing antioxidants. Free radicals are instable molecules that have the need to ‘steal’ the electrons from the neighboring atoms thus damaging the cells, their membranes and DNA. Damaged cells lead to premature aging and many diseases, such as: cancer, cardio vascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, rheumatism and more. Antioxidants are substances that protect the cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. They are our shield from aging, degeneration and various diseases.

Based on years of research, inflammations in the body are defined as the main cause of many pathological diseases. It is proven that diseases start and spread on part of the tissue that has been inflamed, which means that inflammations are the basis for the development of most diseases. This medical science is called a new concept of medicine by some modern scientists, where the treatment is directed to diminishing the inflammation in the body because when that is gone, the disease loses its basis of existence in that particular spot.

Check out how and why SOUL can be the right answer to these and many other issues
Due to lack of nutritious matter, the cells and the body lose their natural defense system and cells are destroyed which causes the precondition for various diseases to evolve. SOUL contains licensed ingredients that slow the aging process and increase the body’s ability to produce energy. Apart from that, it supports the immune system and contributes to healthy blood vessels. SOUL contains substances that assist the body in its battle against free radicals and also substances that calm inflammation processes that are the main cause of diseases and malfunction of the cells. SOUL is not medicine and it does not cure but it is the functional nutrition of cells, and the body has the ability to regenerate with the right amount of nutritious intake. Unfortunately, we are unable to take the sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients with our diet today. If we wish to restore and maintain our health, we must add something to our diet. SOUL provides all the minerals, vitamins and nutrients that are necessary for detoxing and regenerating our system while raising our energy levels. It is all based on the powerful effect of SOUL’s ingredients, their synergy effect and the concentrated nutrients of the seeds.

Insufficient nutrition leads to various deformities and the decline of body cells which consequently leads to the deformity and malfunction of the body itself as well as the immune system. SOUL contains all the necessary substances for the proper growth, development and function of each cell in our body. This is how it helps regenerate the body and stimulates and aids in establishing and maintaining a natural immune system.
When the body is lacking in healthy oils but is rife with unhealthy ones, the molecules of unhealthy oils enter the structure of the cell’s membrane. In time, the membrane loses its elasticity and becomes less permeable so the toxins and poisons that enter the body and that occur as a side product in our cells start to accumulate. For this reason, our cells start to malfunction, first the cells’ energy levels drop and later the cells recede. SOUL contains all the possible healthy oils so that cells can rid of the molecules of unhealthy oils in their membrane and take the molecules of the healthy oils, which again leads to elasticity and the permeable quality of the cells’ membrane and the process of detoxification can begin again. SOUL also contains D-ribose that boosts the cells’ energy until they recover and reinstate their energy system.
SOUL is definitely among the top brand supplements due to its antioxidant power and it is the sole carrier of the ORAC 5.0 certificate because it neutralizes: peroxyl radicals, hydroxyl radicals, peroxynitrite, superoxide anions and oxygen singlet, all of which are carriers of the main groups of free radicals.
ORAC 5.0 is the measure of combined antioxidantive power of a certain food or supplement which means it affects all five main groups of free radicals. SOUL is currently the only supplement that fulfills this condition. There are antioxidants that have a stronger effect on certain groups of free radicals but not one that covers all five groups the way SOUL does. Have a look at the comparison of the antioxidant value between SOUL and other food supplements, the analysis that was done by a well-known laboratory in food testing, the BRUNSWICK laboratory in the USA.

You may watch the expert lecture of clinical psychologist Dr Attila Kun to find out more about the ways in which free radicals attack our cells causing some of the most varied diseases in our body and also how SOUL protects us from this attack.
One single use package of SOUL contains antioxidative value that exceeds the daily intake recommended by ORAC.
Our body is full of inflammation and micro inflammation. We may be aware of some of them if they cause visible issues, so we can treat and calm them but for the micro inflammations and the ones that are not apparent we do not even know that we have so we live with them. Science has proven that in the parts that are inflamed, due to malfunction of that area, functional residue, toxins and poisons accumulate which creates an ideal basis for various diseases to develop. SOUL contains very powerful anti-inflammatory substances (nigellon in cumin and others) that are 281 times stronger than aspirin, which will obviously calm the tiniest inflammation in the body and therefore destroy any basis for the diseases. In addition to this, SOUL has an antiviral, antibacterial and anti fungal effect that clearly minimizes the conditions for the formation and development of various diseases.
Over 60{b4a383ea71e9649da27c161b21b0b9a9242e7694e1d13cbce1386c03e6df6110} of our brain tissue is made up of oils and fats and if we do not have the proper intake of adequate substances that would induce the body to produce the necessary nutrition for the brain, it will result in certain deformities and malfunction which are the basis for the development of various diseases of the brain and the whole body. SOUL contains all the oils and fatty acids that are necessary in our diet and the brain tissue and with its completely natural source and adequate proportion, it goes through the brain blood barrier and directly nurtures it. Additionally, SOUL contains essential Omega 3 fats and 6 acids which the body cannot produce itself but it is possible to acquire with food intake and which are very important for the brain functions.
If during defect, toxification or old age of the cell it loses its energy system, part or the whole of the body will also have energy loss. SOUL contains D-ribose that is the basis of the cell’s energy system and a healthy body can produce it. In case it is unable to produce D-ribose, SOUL will provide the necessary energy to cells and resume the natural energy system of cells which will revitalize the whole body. When the cell and body energy system is high, D-ribose will improve strength and stamina (used in professional and recreational sports) and if the energy system is exhausted, D-ribose will very quickly (within 30 minutes) charge it and resume the strength and energy because it flows directly in the cells with blood.
Ribose can be found in ribonucleic acid, one of the most important information carriers in living organisms. It has an important role in protecting the heart, especially the cardiac muscle.
The primary role of resveratrol is to protect the blood vessels and heart because it prevents blood vessel and heart muscle fibrosis. It prevents blood clotting and therefore protects from thrombosis. It is good for the lungs. It improves the regeneration of healthy cells and rejuvenates them so it is presumed that it may prolong life. It is known to have an effect on cancer, slowing the growth of cancerous cells and even destroy them. It has a strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial impact and it protects from fungal infections. It is antiallergenic as it neutralizes histamine. It decreases the possibility of dementia and consequently Alzheimer’s disease. It prevents premature aging, regenerates collagen and ensures elasticity and softness of the skin. It increases the resistance of the body in stressful situations. It has a prominent effect in protecting the retina and it is recommended to diabetics and people with high blood pressure.

SOUL contains:
- Ellagic acid, a phenolic compound known as a strong anti-carcinogenic that has antibacterial and antiviral effect.
- Ellagitanninis and anthocyanins which are strong antioxidants and assist in various bodily functions as well as a booster of general good health.
- Proanthocyanidin plays a major role in the health of the brain, as an antioxidant, and for cognitive functions, protecting the collagen. It is known for its efficacy in neutralizing hydroxyl radicals which are most harmful for the human body.
- Nigellon in black cumin which has various good effects on health and the normal function of the human body that can be found among the characteristics of blackseed, only here it is multiplied due to the synergy effect in SOUL.
- Numerous ingredients of plant seeds that effects the human body separately as well as in combination with other elements and brings it in better shape, strengthened by the synergy of SOUL
- Pure divine energy which should breathe life into a new plant.
27 reasons to use SOUL every day:
- It boosts your energy, performance and stamina;
- It boosts your immune system;
- It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
- It improves brain functions;
- It helps regulate your body mass;
- It regulates the functions of your inner organs and glands;
- It invigorates healing processes;
- It improves digestion;
- It decreases the risk of infection;
- It maintains bone density;
- It protects the genetic code;
- It improves the quality of hair, skin and nails;
- It improves athletic performance;
- It calms and prevents inflammation;
- It improves the cardiovascular system;
- It restore the production of bone marrow;
- As a powerful antioxidant it helps in the battle against cancer;
- It helps regulate blood pressure;
- It decreases cholesterol;
- It improves eyesight;
- It reduces the aging process;
- It helps regulate and prevents diabetes;
- It helps with autoimmune diseases;
- It decreases stomach aches;
- It improves healthy development in children;
- It reduces PMS pain;
- It prevents hearing loss.
These are the results of body function assessments on the level of cells made before and after using SOUL.

If you are satisfied with results after using SOUL, or you have discovered something about SOUL that could be useful for someone else and you recommend it to others, RAIN will award you for it; have a look at section „WORKING WITH SOUL“. You are currently reading through a website that introduces a new product on the market and I hope that it will have excellent financial effect, so if you believe that SOUL should be widely used, I guarantee that through this website and these methods you will achieve significant financial effect. You may register, not only as customer, but also distributor which will open a new section for you called „FOR THE DISTRIBUTORS“ where this method and the instructions for use are described.
These are the testimonies (results) of the people who drank SOUL, in pictures, which I found online but cannot confirm myself. For other experiences you may search further websites about SOUL until we gather some testimonies of our own on this website.