We all know that with a couple of vitamin C tablets (artificial, in which there is more powder than vitamins), we are able to improve our immune system, but can you imagine what improvement in immunesystem  can be achieved by richness of natural vitamins and minerals contained in SOUL. After taking SOUL, someone can feel a current of cool air through the whole body, someone can feel like having a slightly high temperature (but there is no temperature), and there is someone who does not feel anything, just feeling better (personally, I have friend who after having taken 4 sachets of SOUL, he said: “Strange, the outside temperature is 12C, and I sit next to the open window and I am not cold. I feel like having a slight fever but I do not have it. I feel good”). It is your best personal doctor of in the world and it starts general ‘’cleansing“ of  your organism. In doing so, all the required tools, material and energy are provided by SOUL.  No one knows the sequence of “cleansing”, how long it will last and what your organism will need. It is individual, and the process of cleansing is usually opposite of the way the problem occurred and depends on the state of the organism, but it is certain that the following processes among others, will be involved:

            *elimination of viruses, bacteria, fungi and other parasites from the organism

            *reduction of all inflammations and micro-inflammations that organism is full of as a result of major inflammations, illnesses and injuries and they are the basis for new disease outbreak.

            *elimination of inflammations, viruses and bacteria leads to the reduction of the risk of development of any illness. In case that some illness starts developing, it will be immediately eliminated from the organism by eliminating its basis but if it has been developed, the immune system will have to work harder and it will take more time and more quantity of SOUL for the organism to recover from illness.

            *in case of people who do sports, the process involves removal of free radicals which accumulate due to increased physical activities, or which are generated due to poor living conditions or age, and which organism cannot neutralize by producing antioxidants and insufficient amount of antioxidants obtained through food. Cell death is induced by free radicals and they prevent their regeneration. These processes have created conditions for the regeneration of cells and tissues.

            *purification of cell membranes from molecules of ‘’bad“ oils and possibility for the cells to be purified from different toxins and poisons, and stimulate this process by giving cells all necessary nutrients for their regeneration because SOUL contains all required ingredients for that and it is FUNCTIONAL FOOD FOR CELLS. This process is called cellular detox.

            *the cells will be supported energetically to perform cellular detox and restore energy system, thus recovering and consolidating the energy system of the entire organism. This process is called revitalization of cells and organism.

            *this process will enable recovery of cells and elimination of body defects and their consequences and the proper function of the organism will be established. This process will alleviate many health problems, the organism will work more, and physical performances of the organism will be improved. This is regeneration and functional consolidation of a body.

            *providing the brain with all necessary ingredients, thus accelerating intellectual recuperation and the maintenance of mental health begins.

            *regulation of the entire cardiovascular system and blood.

            *since SOUL contains natural ingredients, it will stimulate numerous process in the body that will neutralize the consequences of previously bad state, get the body into optimal state, upgrade it and have preventive effects on the entire body which is thoroughly explained in the chapter “All about SOUL”, in which it is described how and on what basis, all these processes take place.

             All these processes can be called: STANDARD  (BASIC)  CLEANSING  PROCESS, REGENERATION  AND  FUNCTIONAL  CONSOLIDATION  OF  THE  BODY  WITH  SOUL, which is actually its main purpose.

             All these processes that will be stimulated by SOUL in your body will get the body into natural state and maximum functional state with natural (inherent) performances, abilities and endurance and they will enable proper upgrading of all of them and other elements, thus providing the body with developmental and energy support and preventive health  protection in this process for proper development and progress. In other words, SOUL will get your organism into optimal healthy state, thus stimulating your natural (inherent) performances, abilities and endurance. It will support your physical and intellectual development by devoting energy and it will preventively keep you  in good health while you develop and achieve progress.