Important instructions
Before you start taking SOUL, I am obliged to bring to your attention how to use it in order to get the best results. Similarly to other situations, your mind plays a big part in this case as well. It is important that I explain how you can set your mind so that it uses SOUL for solving your issues but first I must outline some of its functions and its magnificent power.
In the past, you may have seen a fakir on a bed of nails that are sharp but through some ‘miracle’ the nails do not break the skin. All the while the fakir is concentrating. It is not a trick, but the fakir uses concentration to bring the brain to the necessary frequency so that the body becomes impossible (hardly possible) to penetrate with outer objects. A similar situation can be observed with the fakir who utilizes a certain brain wave frequency to block the pain while they are thrusting needles through different parts of their body. They even manage to prevent bleeding from parts that they stabbed by using their mind waves. With the aid of brain waves, Yogis overcome gravity by using concentration and without any physical aid manage to levitate and even fly a certain distance. My friend guided 36 barefooted unknown individuals through a 15 meter long bed of hot embers. He only asked those involved that they look him in the eyes while crossing the ember. 35 of them walked through 15 meters of embers without getting burnt. Apart from grime caused by the burnt coal, there were no traces of heat on their feet. There was only one journalist who got burnt because halfway through the live coal he looked down to check whether he was genuinely walking on coal. In that second, the frequency in his brain which my friend was maintaining through eye-contact and which consequently provided resistance to high temperature for his body stopped. The skin on his feet started burning, he began to feel pain from the burn and he was assured that he has been walking on ember. Can you imagine such power of the mind? The only trouble is that we do not know how to use that power or we use it the wrong way. There are endless such examples.
Do not fret. You do not have to be a fakir nor do you have to be hypnotized in order for SOUL to help you. Based on our emotions, observations and the choices we make, our brain has an automated reaction. I am going to give you a personal example. I have been an entrepreneur for 25 years and among other businesses, I used to hold toy stores. The busiest times in the stores were late November and December. With all the other obligations, additional workload at the toy stores, and arranging Christmas gift packs for children that I did for the syndicate of companies in Novi Sad, I found myself in a situation where I did not have time for fulfilling my basic needs. I would sleep a couple of hours every 2-3 days in November and for the rest of the days I was satisfied with doing Transcendental meditation for 20 minutes 2 times a day. The days of rest became even scarcer in December. I would usually sleep 6-8 hours on Sundays and for the rest of the days have a 30 minute break twice a day doing Transcendental meditation. The rest of the time, I spent doing intensive work. On top of this, my meals were irregular and I smoked a lot. All in all, my system was entirely drained. As this was happening in winter time, rife with viruses and epidemics, everyone around me have taken ill, from my employees to my family, to business partners. I was the only one who did not get ill in that period of time, although I was the most exhausted and in direct contact with them all, and I was not taking any immune system boosters. Bugs got to me after New Year’s when all the work related to the New Year’s rush has been over and when my environment has already forgotten about being ill. Having decided to complete all the work, my brain kept my body in such a state that viruses could not attack my system, regardless of the state of my immune system and the fact that I was full of viruses. However, the brain registered when it all passed and returned the body in its normal state which is when the viruses, which have long been in my system, attacked my body. From this example you can see how our thoughts can guide the actions of our brains and how the power of mind stops viruses to have an effect on us.
With the aid of different frequencies of the brain waves the mind changes physical characteristics of the body in relation to exterior and your own interior, as well as space. It also has a mechanism of directing its effect depending on our thoughts and mental state.
Based on the above, it must now be clear to you that your brain can easily prevent SOUL from having the right effect on your system due to our own conscious or subconscious thoughts and it will be as if you drank plain water (it has happened and I have a personal experience). I will give you a few examples:
‘I’ve been persuaded to buy it but it will surely not help.’ – it most probably will not help with this attitude;
‘I bought the product but it most certainly does not do what they say it does.’ – and for you it certainly will not;
‘What if it actually helps and I will have to pay another 9000 dinars for another pack.’ – you need not worry as your brain will protect you from another purchase;
‘I have a lot more energy now but it cannot heal my knee, it’s impossible.’ – and it will not;
‘This is going to help me win the game? I don’t think so.’ – and it will not help you.
If you purchase a pack of SOUL in order to prove that it has no effect and that it will not achieve what I told you it would, then you won from the start. You will see no effects, so please do not waste your time or the SOUL. You may return the package and we will return your money because your brain will automatically prevent the processes that you disputed and it will implement your conclusions and decisions.
This should clarify why you must not challenge the functions of SOUL – not even in your thoughts – or your subconscious thoughts, let alone verbally out loud because that gives the brain additional blockade. Give these processes a chance to manifest in you by at least having a neutral approach towards them and await it to happen to you because every process is positive and can be useful. It is only a question of whether it is necessary for the process to happen, when will it happen, are there any other processes to take place before the expected one and will you recognize it. Therefore, study SOUL thoroughly, allow every process to happen and anticipate the desired result. Accept all unexpected processes and results as stepping stones that lead to the desired result.
The path to good health or your desired result is entirely unique and nobody can presume the path or the order in which your immune system is going to resolve the issues in your body, just like nobody can foresee the order in which your bodily functions are going to resume. This course depends on the order that the individual issues developed, and that, in my opinion, is related to karma which is completely unique. For that reason, in this and similar courses (for instance in homeopathy) it is careless to give any diagnosis, evaluation or expectation about the healing process. What is important is to boost your immune system, give your body the necessary nutrition and provide energy, all of which SOUL does. If you add spiritual practice (I will come back to this later on) and a bit of physical exercise on top of this, you will soon be amazed. As soon as you begin taking SOUL, start engaging in spiritual discipline too. You may begin with physical activities a week after you have started using SOUL (this does not include professional athletes or people who work out regularly, and children).
In order for SOUL to take its course of action in your system and achieve its role, the minimum requirement is to have a neutral approach. We reflected and analyzed the power of the mind and how it works at the beginning of the directions for use. Why not attempt to use that power for our own benefit and integrate it with SOUL’s effect, thus multiplying it, which will result in a better, quicker and stronger effect of SOUL. How can you achieve that?
First of all, you must know that SOUL is exclusively natural and contains all the listed (and many more) natural ingredients that resume your system in a natural state, i.e. eliminate discomfort and reinstate the proper functions of your organs. Show some faith (until you start to see results for yourself) and try to accept that everything you learned about SOUL is true. You will not know how to achieve this because I left the part ‘All about SOUL’ for the end so that you can read it when you begin using SOUL. You would most surely like SOUL to take the same course of action as you already heard above or to at least experience some of the results mentioned, all in all, to have a healthy body full of energy. When you start using SOUL, begin reading ‘All about SOUL’ too with the aim to receive the desired results so that every process would manifest within you, with a preconception that it is all true and possible, and do not refute no matter how impossible it may seem. Let me outline once again that the order of the processes in your body is unique and we are unable to know what action will take place before the desired one. Should you manage to achieve such an approach while learning about SOUL, not only will your brain enable each process to manifest within you, but also enforce and speed up the process in balance with the needs of your system, in order that you reach your desired goal.
Apart from reading this instruction, you may individually learn about SOUL and the herbs it contains. Have a look at other web sites to see what to expect from using SOUL because, as I mentioned at the beginning, I write based on my own personal experience and knowledge. I do not believe in rewriting or copying others’ experiences. Learn about the effect of the herbs which make up SOUL through the many texts available online, especially writings about black cumin, which is the basis of SOUL and which I feel I need not copy to this website.
Whether you will have a neutral or positive approach to SOUL is entirely up to you, but do not have a negative approach because in that case SOUL will have very little, if any effect.