You risk nothing by trying it, you can only benefit from it
RAIN gives you the possibility to check, without risking money, if all this is possible and if I was telling you only a fairy tale. Since they are confident in the quality of their product, they give you the opportunity to have your money back if you are not satisfied with the SOUL effect (if your child does not undergo any change, that is, the general ‘cleansing’ process of your organism does not start, because if it started it would end up with improvement). You need to return 29 empty sachets and one full sachet of SOUL within a period of 30 days, sending them as well a brief statement of what was happening. You will be reimbursed the full amount of money (except the shipping costs). You can check this company’s policy on their site. At the end of the website there is a column “Money return policy”, where this type of money return is explained.
When you buy a box of SOUL (or CORE) on this site, the moment they receive your payment, you will receive your ID NUMBER on the company account and you will be registered as a buyer on this site. By doing this, you have the opportunity to access the site for SOUL users which consists of 2 parts. In the first part “Instructions for users”, you will find my recommendations based on my personal experience and knowledge on how to use SOUL in order to get the best possible results with your child, and in the second part entitled ‘’All about SOUL’, I describe in detail the SOUL product, its composition, characteristics and effects.
There are buyers, distributors and mentors in this business. The one who introduced you to SOUL and registered you as a buyer, or who referred you to this site with a flyer is your distributor and his name is written on the flyer. By purchasing at least one box of SOUL, you register as a buyer by typing his or her first and last name in the “distributor” section and filling in the information about you. If you came to the site by chance, I will be your distributor since this site is my property and the name you will find in the “distributor” section will be mine. If the name and surname from the flyer is not on the distributor’s list on this site, it means that there has been an attempted abuse. So, in order to get full access to this site you should choose a distributor from the list on the site (before that, call me or send an e-mail just to check the name and surname and to avoid any complications).
With each box of SOUL bought on this site, you are donating $ 1 for three humanitarian actions (from the profit of the distributor registered on this site). You are donating $ 0,5 to two humanitarian actions ($ 0.25 each) run by ……………………. and $ 0,5 to the humanitarian actions that we conduct on the site by giving SOUL to those who need it but cannot afford it. This can be followed on the website under the “humanitarian part”.
The price of one box (30 sachets) is variable, because there are offers with several boxes, and then one box costs less depending on the number of boxes. Also, there are RAIN’s special offers and you can all find it in the “price” section.