I will describe my first alternative method, which I have followed as an absolute nonprofessional for all what I am writing here because, in this way, people accept this and other massages. The method I followed is a massage called “reflexology” and is based on the fact that every organ and part of our body has a corresponding nerve ending on the feet and when the body or part of the body is in trouble, its nerve ending is hardened and can be felt under the skin of the feet as a pin top and is very painful to touch. By identifying the hardened nerve ending based on the position on the feet, a trained person knows exactly which organ does not function properly. By stimulating this nerve ending, we send the impulse of pain to that organ, and it is promoted to relieve, revive and solve the problem. This method is really good because you can treat organs and parts of the body that are not accessible to you from the body surface, and it is a type of unmistakable diagnosis because an organ that has no problem has no hardened nerve ending. By identifying the hardened nerve endings, you establish the diagnosis. I used this method for years and occasionally I achieved great improvements that would eventually be lost when I stopped treatment. The struggle lasted for years and in the end, I can say that I had some benefits from all this, which was minor in comparison to suffered pain, devoted time, money and optimism. At that time, apart from the therapy that I underwent, I drank holy water, sometimes went to the church, and left money on the icon of some Saint asking for help. It was all I knew and I thought it would be enough. Later, I chose an Indian mantra that I occasionally used.
Let us now make an analysis of what happened with some deformability that was treated in those circumstances, from the aspect of my current knowledge. First, a dysfunction of this organ or part of the organ is manifested, which means that there is no exchange of matters in the organs. It automatically leads to the lack of nutrients, and the immune system ceases to function normally, the energy of the cells of that organ, part of the organ or the entire organ disappears, cellular cleansing stops and harmful toxins begin destroying the cells. Furthermore, free radicals, which destroy already endangered cells by their molecular activities, always gather at those locations. In addition, we also have the energy blockage in the spiritual sphere, accumulation of negative energy, and at least one negative spiritual being attached to my problem and slowly exhausting my energy and forcing me to stop struggling to find solution to my problem, because then, this being will be confronted with the problem and will have nothing to feed on. This way, we send a signal of pain from the nerve ending to that organ thus stimulating it to begin struggle. Based on the signal of pain, the organism recognizes the problem of the organ and starts sending it the existing resources of antioxidant, D-ribose, good oils and various nutrients, but the effects of negative energy and negative being are so strong that we start sending new, even stronger pain signal and the organ struggles even harder. This is the reason why organ needs more material for its struggle and the organism does not have enough in the existing resources because of POOR NUTRITION, and the recovery is hindered. Furthermore, we continue sending new, even stronger signal of pain all over again until the pain is so intensified that makes you break the metal armrest on the chair (like me, for example). For this reason, day after day, year after year, you want to make a compensation for what is missing in the body, and overcome the spiritual side of the problem. Even if you manage to overcome this spiritual side of the problem but you have not eliminated it from your spiritual world, after the treatment is terminated, it will quickly stop all that pain and the problem will reoccur again.
It was obvious that spirituality that I turned to as a layman was not enough to remove negative spiritual being from the spiritual world and clear up negative energy from the blockage. However, it did not cross my mind that I should restore my organism by using supplements, nutrients and all other ingredients necessary for complete recovery because I was not aware that it was the way the system functioned.
At the end of the chapter “ALL ABOUT SOUL”, that is, when you read the entire chapter, you can find a “CONCLUSION” in which, among other things, I analysed my personal case and presented what would have happened if I had undergone the treatment in this (right) manner. Look at the price of misconceptions and not having the right knowledge, and many people pay that price.