
This is the website of the independent distributor of the products of RAIN. My name is Miroslav Đurčianski, my nickname is Mix. I was born in 1959 and I have lived in Novi Sad since my early childhood. I am a civil engineer by profession but I have been a private entrepreneur since 1990, and now I have decided to create this website and to seriously engage in the distribution of RAIN’s product called SOUL. When you read the chapter called “Personal experience you will understand why I have made this decision, and if you are satisfied with SOUL, perhaps you too, will decide like me, both for financial reasons and for having the good intention to recommend something good to others.

I came to RAIN at the beginning of 2016. for the profit and thus started using their product called SOUL. As  I realized its positive effect very quickly, I started giving it to my daughter who was 13 and a half years old at that time and had a load of problems. My excitement about its good effects over the next few months made me recommend it to a few close friends, I followed through their reactions and events caused by using SOUL. As much as they were different from each other, with different problems, there were so many reactions, and the results of drinking SOUL were different, as was their attitude towards SOUL. So, in terms of the results of drinking SOUL, nothing can be generalized or considered as a pattern. All of them experienced this as a temporary fascination; they drank 1-2 boxes of SOUL and felt some changes, some minor improvements but nothing permanent (except for one who had a more serious reaction), but nothing more important for them to continue drinking it.  However, a drastic difference in the reactions occurred with me and my daughter on the one hand and all of them on the other. The two of us received concrete and permanent improvements by drinking SOUL.

 In the beginning, I was confused, but eventually everything started to fit in and now everything is clear, at least to me. The main difference is that both me and my daughter both before and during drinking SOUL, exercised certain spiritual methods, some of the energy treatments, as well as various massages, because of our previous problems. Considering that I had personal health problems which made me search for 11 years for medical answers and for almost 20 years for the answers from alternative medicine, spirituality and energies, it was not difficult for me to follow up the events and reactions, and to put together everything based on my knowledge and experience into one logical process. I only needed something to encourage me to start thinking in that direction. In practice, this accidentally discovered theory has been confirmed countless times, and it is being confirmed at present times, as described in the section “Personal experience”, , so whether you came to the site because of health, your child, the sport, or other elder person, also read “Personal experience”.  In doing so,  I made sensible ways of using SOUL in phases based on personal experience and monitoring of the SOUL effect on my friends, and on the basis of previous knowledge and perception of the processes caused by SOUL, in order to get the best possible results from SOUL. I am presenting you this on my websiteThe fact that some drink it randomly, and it does not produce any significant results, which could be seen by the results of my friends. They resolved some easier old problems, spent a bit of SOUL’s potential for ongoing activities, little or nothing at all for their own progress, but that neither was of permanent character. The only benefit to them was that they felt good during that period of time.

This way i would like, based on my personal experience which differs from the experience of others, to recommend to all of you to try soul in a rather  complex way because only in this way can you get concrete and lasting results not dependent on anything. Even if you have already used it and were not very satisfied, try it again, this time you will certainly be satisfied, because on the basis of this experience, I will also instruct you to get the results as we did. I will describe the principles and relation of SOUL-induced processes and additional treatments and activities  in the instruction manual for SOUL. As all this is based on personal experience, I will try, during the presentation of SOUL, to accentuate and describe the characteristics of SOUL and the reactions that my friends, my daughter and I have experienced, and I will emphasize the characteristics and reactions which  are described in the available reading material about SOUL. The photographs with or without captions with the sign of RAIN originate from RAIN’s original documents. I respect the experiences of foreigners which can be found on other websites and forums dealing with SOUL, but giiven that I cannot personally testify about those cases, I decided not to include them in this website, however you should feel free to read them. I will aspire in all four parts to introduce the processes and functions triggered and carried out by SOUL as shortly and understandably as possible to those who are not biologists, physicians or pharmacists, to explain how to use it (based on personal experience), and what is it that you can expect from using SOUL, all of this categorized as follows: SOUL in Sports SOUL and Health, SOUL and Children, SOUL and Elderly people. All about SOUL, detailed explanations about the processes induced by SOUL, on what basis, in what manner and with which goal do they take place in one’s organism, how do they manifest; you will find all of these answers in the chapter called „All about SOUL“    which, I recommend you read at the end, after the fields that interest you and after the „Personal experience“ chapter.

What is SOUL?

SOUL is a medical drink made of cold pressed seeds of black cumin, black raspberry and Chardonnay grapes with a small added portion of D-ribose and the seeds’ finely sliced peeling in a scientifically researched proportion, in order to reach a synergy effect of increased multiplication of the impact of each separate ingredient due to cumin having the quality of catalyses and augmenting the effect of each element that gets in contact with it. Thanks to it, black cumin was accepted by official American medicine in 1996, which enabled this plant to become once again part of medicine after hundreds of years. Black cumin was used by ancient people as one of the major herbs which was used to cure everything but death . SOUL developed as the result of decades of research performed by American experts, financed by the American government, as a means for children to recover after chemotherapy and this is its primary use: CLEANING, REGENERATION, AND FUNCTIONAL CONSOLIDATION  OF ORGANISM. Keeping in mind that it can cure the body that was run-down from illness, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, it is clear that it is beneficial to less damaged organisms. A company called RAIN bought the product and, after receiving certificates from some of the best known laboratories, they put it out on the market under the name “SOUL”. 

SOUL Certificates

Besides being used as a medical product, it has multiple uses so RAIN categorized the commercial nomenclature of the product as a food supplement and, as it is practically more than just a food supplement it is categorized as the fifth generation supplement, or the so called ‘energy seeds’ which in comparison to the former generations of supplements is the leading one. Today, it is still the only representative of this category of supplements. It is based on Dr Arnold S. Leonard’s findings that the seeds of the plants contain 30-50 times more nutritious value than the fruit of the plant itself and this is the key to its powerful effectiveness. SOUL has an extremely big concentration of nutritious ingredients, antioxidants, energy value and the synergy of the increased individual effects of these plants on the human body. All of which is refined with pure divine energy of life that each seed contains and which should give a breath of life to another plant and it is all kept in SOUL.

SOUL consists of:

  • All 12 sorts of vitamins, in addition it contains vitamin E in 8, vitamin A in 3 and vitamin B in 5 different forms
  • All 17 sorts of minerals, especially selenium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron and zinc which are represented in bigger amounts
  • 9 essential amino-acids
  • Essential fatty acids
  • Pantothenic fatty acids
  • Antioxidants with the ORAC 5,0 declaration
  • Resveratrol from natural sources
  • Fibers and other phytonutrients
  • Anti-inflammatory- nigelon
  • D-ribose

For the sake of comparison take a look at what a package of SOUL (single dose) changes and to what extent:

D-ribose is a monosaccharide, a sugar with 5 carbon atoms which frees energy in cells when in contact with oxygen. It is the base of a cell’s energy system and the energy system of humans. The organism produces it itself from the food we consume and D-ribose enters ours cells very quickly. The D-ribose contained in SOUL partly originates from the seeds it is made from; the rest is added to it.

ORAC 5.0 is the measure of the total antioxidative power of a certain food or supplement and it means that it affects all five groups of free radicals. SOUL is so far the only food supplement that fulfills this criterion. There are stronger antioxidants that affect certain groups of free radicals, but neither covers all five groups as SOUL does. Take a look at the comparison of SOUL to other food supplements regarding the overall antioxidative value based on the analyses of the world’s most renowned food research laboratory called “BRUNSWICK”, located in the USA.

Thanks to the husk, the seeds’ structure remains 100% intact from the influence of chemicals, radiation. The husk consists of an exceptional concentration of minerals and protective elements, which has the task to save the seed in all negative external conditions until it reaches a favorable environment where the plant can grow. We have witnessed that even our digestive system can’t harm seeds, thus we eliminate entire seeds from our organisms. Their powerful structure is why the hulls of black cumin, black raspberry and chardonnay grapes are finely chopped (in order to make them digestible), and are added to SOUL. It is not said in vain that the seed is the perfect capsule.

In order that the unaltered substance of the seeds could get into SOUL, the cold pressed method is used at 35 degrees Celsius and the special packaging allows the preservation of SOUL without any additives. SOUL does not contain any chemical elementsgluten or GMO, which is certified by some of the most renowned laboratories. In addition, it has a ‘WORLD ANTI-DOPING AGENCY’ license and the most recent BSCG certificate.

We proudly announce that SOUL is a BSCG certified product

This is an extremely important certification that once again proves the quality of our product. BSCG (Banned Substances Control Group) is the leading organisation with over 30 years experience of drug testing for the Olympics and other profession

al sports events. BSCG was founded in 2004 by anti-doping pioneers Don Caitlin M.D., his son and industrial leader Oliver Caitlin and the esteemed attorney Ryan Connolly. They are some of the most prominent representatives in the anti-doping industry. With a long history of overthrowing over 2000 products in this industry, SOUL is the first product that they openly support through their social media.

This is very important for the following reasons:

  • SOUL has fulfilled the scrupulous, golden standards that BSCG set;
  • It is difficult to achieve this which additionally confirms the quality of our product;
  • SOUL is now supported by one of the most important supplement protection programs that exist today;
  • SOUL is now among the prestigious top 2000 products that have been tested and certified by BSCG;
  • Their testing comprises over 483 drugs, including 272 drugs from WADA or banned drugs, and 211 prescription, over-the-counter, or illicit drugs;
  • SOUL is now clinically tested and does not contain any harmful substances;
  • The protocol for passing BSCG testing is stern. The Golden Standard test includes 21 C.F.R. 111 GMP quality control process, raw ingredient evaluation and source evaluation as well as a toxicology report which identifies and determines the amount of potential toxins;
  • SOUL has also passed a quality control which ensures the standard and quality of our product;
  • SOUL has a unique position: it is one of the chosen products that has a BSCG golden standard but it is the only product to have public support;
  • These prestigious successes do not only serve as confirmation for strengthening the company name but also provide faith to our consumers, partners and potential members of the RAIN family that our products satisfy high standards.

However, these are not the only certificates we hold.

Here is a list of other certificates:

  • NSF
  • GMP
  • Brunswick Labs Certification
  • Halal certification

SOUL was registered at the Ministry of health as a food supplement under the registry number 4483/2013 dated 2013.10.21. The analysis was carried out by the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade.

In addition to cleansing, regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism, which is its primary role that performs by detoxification and revitalization of cells, and thus the whole organism, SOUL will, through the richness of its ingredients and a wide range of its effects, stimulate and implement many processes in your body, which will contribute to the best health condition of your body. I’ll list some of them:

 It boosts your energy, performance and stamina, it boosts your immune system, it improves brain functions; it improves digestion; it calms and prevents inflammation; it decreases the risk of infection; it improves the quality of hair, skin and nails; it improves eyesight; it regulates the functions of your inner organs and glands; it decreases stomach aches; it helps regulate blood pressure; it maintains bone density; it restore the production of bone marrow;  it improves the cardiovascular system; it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases; it improves healthy development in children; it improves athletic performance; it prevents hearing loss;  it helps regulate your body mass;  it reduces the aging process; as a powerful antioxidant it helps in the battle against cancer;  it decreases cholesterol; it helps regulate and prevents diabetes; it invigorates healing processes;  it protects the genetic code; it helps with autoimmune diseases; it reduces pms pain, and a lot more


 take a look at what will be happening in your organism if you introduce to it this treasure of nature and energy. You can view it from the aspect of health, sports and recreation, children or that of elderly people depending on your interest, but be sure to watch the part called “Personal experience”, to see how soul affected me, my daughter and my friends. Based on that experience, as a former athlete, the father of a growing child, and we can also add as an older person, with nearly 20 years spent in alternative ways of curing, I would like to SOUL as close as possible to you and help you consume it the most optimal manner, to receive its maximum, and to gain the best possible results regarding everything. For example our recommendation that you read the part called “All about SOUL ” last, is based on our experience, and you will see just why.