Important warnings


         In this chapter one part of the text is missing with which I explain what you need to do in order to get good and lasting result with thus combined method of using SOUL. Otherwise, if you don’t do so, I do not advise, in any case, to use spirituality and energy treatments with the use of SOUL, because you will accelerate the development of certain health problems and will get you into extremely difficult psychological state.

            The text which is missing, explains what and why you need to do to be able to use the combined method of SOUL without consequences. For now, to all distributers and buyers registered on this site, I will send this text by e-mail, and if I get technical support from RAIN to be able to protect certain contents of the website, from those who are not registered on the site, the text will be highlighted at this place.

            Thank you for your understanding.


All persons above the age of 5 with no significant health issues are recommended a daily dose of 2 packages of SOUL when they start consuming their first box (in the morning and in the evening) in order to activate the immune system more effectively and start the cleansing process of the organism more intensely. Whether or not a person will need to consume a double dose when starting the second package, depends on monitoring the situation and the state of one’s organism, as well as their desire because the cleansing will continue with a reduced dosage too, but with decreased intensity and significantly slower. The cleansing process itself has its weight, thus due to a graver state of an organism it is possible that some people can’t bear an intense cleansing process. One should not give up in these situations, but merely reduce the daily dose of SOUL to one package and increase spiritual activities and energetic treatments and try to increase the dose after some time when the organism is somewhat disburdened.

            Psychic and physical worsening of the state of one’s organism is possible during the cleansing process, but these are short-lived and transient, but inevitable and they occur during all methods of cleansing of the organism. They are manifested in 2-3 day long symptoms of an illness that had been long cured (but left its trace in the organism), or an illness that is developing in the body without one knowing about it. The symptoms and pain vanish by themselves (the immune system eliminates them), and once they are gone they are gone for good without leaving a trace, but it is important not to try to suppress them by medication during this period. If you have prescription medication for any reason you should continue taking them regardless of SOUL, but do not suppress the occurring  pain by medication. The symptoms are most severe at the time when the immune system is definitely overpowering the existing problem, and once it has eliminated it and that part of the organism regains its balance, drowsiness and exhaustion can occur because the immune system decreases the number of brainwaves, as this is what is necessary for this process, thus it is best to spend this phase of the recovery process sleeping. What follows this phase is a relief  and improvement in that part of the organism which will manifest itself by improvement on the level of the entire organism. The above described discomfort can be eased by spiritual methods and the process can be intensified by energetic treatments and the addition of SOUL. In the part ‘’All about SOUL“, I described the methods which my daughter and I used to alleviate the physical pain caused by these processes. The combination of methods that I recommend further in the text will definitely reduce the severity of problems by about 50% in comparison to the option of using the methods individually or using any other methods. This is very important for you because many people give up the cleansing process of organism (regardless of the method being used) because they cannot cope with the difficulties and reactions.

            Examples from personal experience:

  1. When one of my friends who is my age started consuming SOUL (he was consuming 2 packages a day as recommended) he started developing mild symptoms of hemorrhoids which disappeared after the third day. He had never had hemorrhoids before that, but keeping his profession in mind, the fact that he is a driver and spends more than 10 hours a day sitting in a van and he has been doing this for over 30 years, makes it clear that the illness had been quietly developing inside of him and that one day it would have manifested itself in its full power. This way the illness and the base on which it had been developing have been erased for all times.
  2. Another friend started feeling the reactions inside his skull after having gotten SOUL from me to taste, and he got scared. He said he has known for years that he had cystitis on his brain and he would not like to take a chance, he gave up SOUL and left the cist in his skull intact. I believe he was wrong, because if the cist reacted to SOUL after the first time he had tried it, it is obvious that SOUL contains something which triggered the elimination of the cist, that is the base on which the cist had been developing.