Instructions for Use Soul: Children and Health Problems of Children

Use Instructions for: Soul and Children

I assume that it is pointless for your child to read the “Important instructions” but you should present it to them in an easily understandable manner. You need to acquaint SOUL with your child and arouse their optimism and hope that they will gain some benefit through it, e.g. your allergies will disappear, you will become a better football player, your skin will get clear from acne, etc. It is important that the child accepts the explanation and awaits an improvement as that is when the child is ‘open’ for all changes and their mind supports all those processes.


The child might dislike the taste or smell of SOUL and they may not want to take it but this will change. It means that SOUL is affecting a particular problem in the body which is defensive and induces symptoms in order to distract you from the effect. Those are the described reactions, but sometimes the process of body cleansing is prevented by certain symptoms. If you manage to eliminate the problem, the opposing feeling will disappear. So try to give SOUL to your child together with some other foods (by no means hot food and never forcefully because you will create resistance which consequently prevents SOUL’s effects) and engage them in spiritual activities and energy treatments because as soon as you solve the problem, things will go smoothly. My personal experience: a couple of years ago I started to take a certain supplement for a particular problem and claimed that there was nothing that tastes more disgusting than that drink and I was surprised that anyone would make it. I was persistent and after 3 months my problem disappeared, and with it, the disgusting taste too. Today, I drink this supplement as a refreshing drink and it tastes good.

The symptoms and discomfort described in “Important warning’’ are not so explicit in children and they tolerate these changes more easily, unless they have serious health issues, nevertheless, you should keep an eye on their situation. It is necessary to read section ‘All about SOUL’ and you may also look at other websites and read testimonies there and search the internet to read about the plants that make up SOUL. In order to have a better insight to what is happening to your children and what to expect from SOUL, learn everything about it. You could educate your children about SOUL so that they recognize the importance of it in their lives and they may respect you more when they realize what you have done for them.

At the beginning of drinking SOUL, you should start with spiritual activities, and energy treatments. In the event that the child receives some medical treatment due to a health problem, he/she should continue with it, and when the condition improves, it should be reduced successively with the doctor’s supervision. Shake the bag well before drinking and drink it directly. Use a pencil or some object to squeeze the contents from the bag.

As far as treatment by SOUL is concerned i have already said in section “SOUL and children”, but i can repeat it:

SOUL should be given to children from the day their peiatrician says they are ready to eat fruit mush as this is made of fruit which, for sure, does not have enough nutritional value and defects start as soon as that. By adding a spoonful of SOUL we’ll enhance the nutritious value of the food and secure regular growth and development of the child. His immune system, too, will be made stronger and this is very important to them in this period of life. Children shoul be fed SOUL indirectly from the very beginning. Given that you know what SOUL is, you should conclude whether or not pregnant or breastfeeding women should consume it.

In case a child’s organ or a group of organs is, or was, at risk due to an illness, those organs should be cleansed by some natural supplements (teas, juices, tinctures), or clean all internal organs from the products caused by their dysfunction with RAIN’s multi-cleaner called CORE. This will facilitate and speed up the cleansing process and be economical with SOUL. Start applying cleaners before SOUL, or at least when starting to use it.

In order to start and speed up the cleansing processas much as possible i recommend that all children above the age of 5 that don’t have significant health problems start  consuming 2 packages of SOUL a day, whilst children aged 5-6 years 1 package a day. After this everything is individual and a matter of monitoring. In case any unbearable reaction to the child should occur the dosage should be decreased to 1 package a day and should not be discontinued. Whaen a certain part of the organism is cleaned you should try with 2 packages per  again. If there are significant  changes after 15 days of consuming 2 packages per day, you should keep on with this until you use up another box. Cleansing of their organism will continue even when reduced to 1 package, but will be slower and less effective. If some discomfort can not be solved for a longer time (allergies), reduce the dosage to 1 package a day and try to increase it to 2-3 again after a while. 

When the organism is cleaned it will need to be given one package a week (for about 2-3 months) because the process of eliminating defects inside the organism lasts long, ahich you will be able to follow with their progressing advance in many things. In the end they still keep on groing and developing and they need the ingredients from SOUL so that they don’t come in a situation they were in before SOUL. Give them a package of SOUL evry day if you can so that they can enjoy life and that you enjoy with them. To save then from the consequences of the wrong kind of nutrition you should have a pack of SOUL every second or third day, this way you’ll give them the necessarymaterial for their growth and development and keep their immune system active thus avoiding the occurrence of various disease.

       Various defects in the body, regardless of the way they were created and dysfunction of the organism that arises as a consequence, create energy blockages in the aura of a man and vice versa; energy (psychological) blockages caused by stress, fear, pain, grievance and similar, create defects in the organism and dysfunction of the organism that arises as a consequence. Energy blockages in the aura can be the result of certain problems in spiritual world. These blockages disturb the energy flows of the organism and promote disharmony of the entire organism. Since these places are not protected by personal energies, they accumulate various negative energies, which are a good basis for the existence of different negative spiritual beings. Those negative energies and negative spiritual beings as well as various radiations have a direct impact on the defect in the organism and the dysfunction of the organism that arises as their consequence through the energy blockage in the aura, which further aggravates the already bad situation. Through personal energies in different energy fields (in different dimensions) in human aura, which are directly connected with physical part of a man, the man is connected with the natural and cosmic energies that surround him and with the spiritual part of his being, and he is connected with the complete spiritual world. This connection leads to the development of the relationship between spiritual and physical parts of our being and our personal energies with them, as well as to the abundance of ​​natural and cosmic energies that surround us. This way, the problem that has arisen in one sphere is manifested in other spheres in the manner described, which means that it is exposed to bad impacts in all spheres, which all together affects the problem itself. This leads to the conclusion that an effective and radical solution to the problem implies solving the problem and its manifestations in all spheres   

Introducing spiritual techniques and energy treatments together with taking SOUL is of significant importance especially for casting out potential negative spiritual beings from people, for cleansing the aura of accumulated negative energy and consequences of radiation, which have concentrated on energy blockages in the aura, and for solving potential problems in spiritual world, which are probably the cause of energy blockages in the aura and the result of bad energy impacts from the outside world.  

            When negative energy effects are eliminated from the blockage, the deformability in organism is automatically reduced and SOUL can easily have effect on the regeneration process. If the positive spiritual and adequate energetic forces affect the energy blockade so that SOUL can easily perform its action of eliminating the deformability, it is certain that the processes of cleansing, regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism will be naturally stimulated in much easier and faster way and the entire process will be completed ahead of time thus saving you time and the amount of SOUL taken. In this way, the reaction of organism, which is usually caused during these processes, will be significantly slowed down (by about 50{b4a383ea71e9649da27c161b21b0b9a9242e7694e1d13cbce1386c03e6df6110}).  When this process is carried out without using these techniques and deformability is eliminated only by taking SOUL, those energies are no longer present in the body but they exist in the aura, which is the same for the energy from eliminated deformability and everything accumulated in the body. They disrupt the entire organism and prevent its stabilization and that is why they should be eliminated by spirituality and energy treatments. By eliminating these energies, the energy system of the organism is restored and HARMONIZATION of the entire organism is achieved, which is an additional benefit of this combination of treatments.

            Two other important reasons for the introduction of spiritual techniques and energy therapies, together with the use of SOUL, are the fact that all those energies that remain in the aura of a child, have effect on the psyche of a child, so you must be aware of the importance of eliminating those energies. Another strong reason for introducing these methods is the fact that when a physical problem is eliminated from the body, its spiritual part remains in spiritual sphere and a part of physical problem transfers into spiritual sphere and exists in the person’s aura creating psychological problems and waiting for a favourable moment to be raised again in material form in a physical part of a person.  The favourable moment is usually the moment when a person stops using SOUL and the immune system is weakened and then we say that the problems return because we stop using SOUL and we realize that we have become addicted to it, which is not good because addiction is also a disease. This problem is evident in all types of treatments, and I will write more about this in the chapter entitled “SOUL AND SPIRITUALITY”. The combination of these treatments eliminates the possibility of restoring the previously eliminated symptoms and problems caused by ending the consumption of SOUL. The end of using SOUL, poor nutrition and poor living conditions can cause new defects in the body and everything that follows them, but those are new processes that are still developing. You can activate the old, unsolved problems that have been alleviated by taking SOUL, but you have to be persistent in eliminating them by conducting effective treatment together with taking SOUL as well as eliminating the problems that have been eliminated in the physical part but not in the spiritual part. Therefore, the problems that have been cleared up from the body and spirit will surely not return.

            We can use positive spiritual activities to attract positive energies that have beneficial effects on spiritual and energetic aspect of the physically manifested problem, and we will maybe need some help from the positive sphere of the spiritual world, you never know. In general, spiritual activities can bring us something that we did not hope for or in other words ‘’maybe God will smile on us“, if we follow Him. Naturally, everyone will follow his/her own path. In this respect. I would remain neutral because this is not the topic. Since this chapter is about children who should not have bigger and more serious problems, they should not be particularly burdened with spirituality, but they should be engaged in some spiritual activities for better and highest quality results in this process. Moreover, this is the beginning of the era of spirituality, and we will all have to be involved in spiritual activities. In case that there are some problems which a child cannot overcome, and there are some complicated situations and nothing is as it seems, see the text entitled “SOUL AND HEALTH PROBLEM (children)” and “SOUL AND SPIRITUALITY” (na kraju je dopunjen u odnosu na isti tekst u ovom delu).

            Positive energies that have beneficial effects on spiritual and energetic part of the physically manifested problem and the entire organism as well do not have to be attracted by spiritual methods. One can find such energies in the nature in different places, different forms, types, frequencies, and they act in different dimensions. People also produce some of these energies by themselves by different devices. People have always used these energies to solve physical and mental problems. In this combination of treatments, we use them as a help in solving spiritual problems and in eliminating negative energies and consequences of radiation that have concentrated on energy blockages in aura. 

            We all know about massages and their importance in improving circulation, innervation, energy relieving and elimination of energy blockages. After receiving a massage, people feel better for some time but then the body returns to its previous state and requires a massage again. With the help of SOUL and spirituality and energy treatments, the effects of the massage can be permanent. The effects of taking SOUL and spirituality can last for a long time, and massages are additional support in those processes because they enable more rapid regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism, which can also be achieved by moderate physical activities.

            A personal experience presented in the chapter about massages illustrates this situation and shows that this is the right combination of treatments.

I will try to be as short and concise as possible about spirituality and energy treatment because these are not the thematic of the website. I could write anything about it after my 20 year long experience and education however, I will focus on what can bring improvement for your children with small illustrative examples, simply for you to understand it easier and accept it. I will begin with the fact that human beings are spiritual and physical, surrounded by energies. We can see some energies, others we can feel and with some we only see traces of their effects. Energies where we recognize intelligence are classified in the spiritual world, which according to Christianity is divided into positive and negative beings. Energies where we do not recognize intelligence, but instead they exist in nature by their own rules and some of them are produced and managed by us, are called energies. Some of these affect us badly so we intend to avoid them and protect ourselves from them, while others have a good influence so we use them as treatment. Such are the vertical energy pillars, the Najdan circles, the sunrays, the pulsing electro-magnetic field, the bipolarized light, infrared rays, etc. I hope you all follow and agree so far. There is a part of humanity that examines the spiritual world and completely neglects the physical characteristics of humankind, yet they do not recognize or ignore the spiritual energies. Another part of humankind is unacquainted with the spiritual world but recognizes some of the energies and completely neglects the spiritual qualities in people and is only based on physical part of a man. The result is identical, both suffer and have various illnesses and all the while, they are both convinced that they are right and the other one is wrong and they provide numerous outrageous explanations for it. I will list a few examples from the spiritual sphere so that you can understand the seriousness of this delusion: ‘God said: because you did not believe in Jesus Christ, now you must take medication.’ – the person takes a number of pills and continues to attend church even though he/she is an intellectual; ‘God makes us fall ill in order to redeem our souls.’ – the person had surgery and takes more medication than food, is very spiritual and an intellectual; a man has cardio vascular problems and when I offer him SOUL that is natural and that helped my father with the same issue, he will not take it and says: ‘what helps me the most is going to the countryside and getting bitten by bees’ – he has difficulties walking, takes a lot of medication, he is pious and an intellectual. Unfortunately, testimonies from the material sphere are no better, only we have gotten used to them so much that they do not look horrible, but they are. What agony rules the world, and all we need is some belief and good will to understand each other.

If you had read section ‘PERSONAL EXPERIENCE’, you should have seen, from my personal example, that life taught me the importance of both the spiritual and the material or physical part. A person is like a car; if you merely wash, clean and polish it but neglect the engine, you will have issues with your car. Again, if you only maintain the engine but do not clean and polish the car, you will have other issues with it. You could see from my personal experience how I got ‘tricked’ by the theory that I can resolve all my health issues spiritually. Of course, there was improvement but the problem has not been resolved. In the meantime I have seen masses of spiritual people with numerous health issues and some serious diseases, who would explain them with strange stories that had no connection to one another and no matter how hard I tried to understand them over the many years spent among them, I was unable to make sense of it. On the other hand, people who maintain their physical abilities (in my environment) and who use and sell various teas, tinctures, and supplements (among them SOUL, too), have massages and do recreational sports, achieve important improvement in their physical problems and health issues, as well as serious diseases yet they do not finally resolve their problems. If they cease with the treatments their problems return but I am not surprised, I just observe that none of them engages in spiritual activities, while energy treatments some may try. They are not willing to do anything about their spiritual state, just like those in the spiritual world are unwilling to do anything physical about their body. Please try to overcome this folly for the sake of your child and yourself. You only have to invest a little effort and confidence in something you do not believe in and the result will be fantastic. I will ask you this: ‘Do you really believe that the other half of the world is completely crazy since the beginning of life on earth?’

            Personal experience – a friend of mine who was baptized when he was 50 said: “Who would have though that this existed, as if someone pulled the veil off my eyes.”

To summarize: the spiritual and physical parts of humans are in direct connection and the level of issues is almost equal (there are minor oscillations). If one method decreases the level of problems in a body but we neglect the other part then, after the treatment is stopped, the other part will pull the first one in order to become even, however, there is a possibility that we will be faced again with all the problems and difficulties. This way, we become dependent upon treatment, regardless of it being spiritual or physical, and we are not completely healthy, we always complain about health issues and are constantly nervous. Those are the reactions to health problems in other parts of ourselves because that is who we are. Practice shows that some problems from the latter part can be resolved by solving problems in the former part, and vice versa, but this is more symbolical.

I am probably tedious with this theory but if you have spent money and you have your hands on something truly amazing, it would be a shame not to crown it with the spiritual part. Through SOUL, your child will gain spirituality too because every seed carries clean, divine energy that will give life to other living organisms and it is all kept in SOUL. THAT IS THE ELEMENTARY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SOUL AND OTHER SUPPLEMENTS; THE CLEAR, DIVINE ENERGY OF LIFE AND CLEAR, NATURAL SUBSTANCE PRESERVED IN THE IMPENETRABLE SEEDS – THE PERFECT COCOON. That energy will clearly play its part in resolving some problems but you would require a lot of SOUL to resolve spiritual matters.

            Naturally, all this relates to those who have no material problems, nor problematic attitude to matter, so they bought SOUL and reached this website, and not to those who analyze the spiritual world and have material problems and problematic attitude to matter, and still wait for problems to be solved in the spiritual world, they have not bought the SOUL yet, and they have not discovered this site and of course I cannot have influence on them. Please try, if you know someone like that, to share your knowledge and experience without fear of being unintelligent, because the truth is both what you know and what the other person knows, because only unintelligent people think you are thickheaded if you do not see the world from their perspective. Try to attract their attention to buy SOUL, give them some information about SOUL, explain them from your own point of view the way the SOUL can help their children, and perhaps those people will tell you what to do and how to help your children in the spiritual world, without turning attention to hypothetical theories. If you are prone to spirituality and have purchased SOUL for your child, I hope you will bring the child into spirituality, if you have already done that, your child has every chance of experiencing the right metamorphosis, so give him/her SOUL according to the instructions, boost a bit spiritual activity, engage him/her physically through sports, and if you see that your child needs some energy treatment, try to provide one. All of this will contribute to regeneration and strengthening of your child  as quickly and rapidly as possible.

            I will end the discussion about spirituality by expressing my point of view: I find it quite normal and natural for a child born in the Christian family to be baptized in a church which is attended by his or her parents or at least one parent. At least 1 to 2 times a month (if the family cannot go to church at noon on Sundays, according to tradition), the child should attend services in the church, hear the prayer and perform some ritual or custom. Similarly, a child born in a family of Islamic or some other religion should at least hear the prayer or perform some ritual. Who does not like the church whose member he/she is, there are 33,000  types of Christian churches and probably you would like one. If you do not like your religion, Bruno Groening’s method is universal, as it is yoga, and different types of meditation, and you have a wide variety of eastern mantras (WARNING: some meditations can force a child to join the sect, you should be careful). Whatever you child chooses to do is better than doing nothing, but be careful not to exaggerate. However, if a child is born in a Christian family, then one day he/she will need to (have to) be baptized or take communion in the Christian Church, because a certain type of problem (energy) cannot be eliminated by any other method or religion (personal experience).

            This is my attitude to physical and spiritual parts based on my previous experiences, and even today I still gain new experiences and confirm my attitude (chapter “PERSONAL EXPERIENCE”). There is maybe someone who can create matter from energy, but it is certainly not us who live here and this way of life. We need to introduce matter into the spiritual (cosmic) energy, this matter contains all the elements necessary for the organism, absolutely natural and pure, and we have to add energy to the matter. In doing so, we must lead the normal life in both physical and spiritual spheres, if we wish to be healthy. Without the intention of imposing or favoring any spiritual method or technique, culture, tradition, or religion, because there are many which I am not even aware of, but for those that I used in the past and I still use today, I can say that they have been extremely compatible and that in each one, you can find at least something good that the other one does not have, so they are complemented. However, we have here a clear distinction that is the same as the one between spiritual and material. Again, everyone praises his/her own method and claims that it gives the best results, and disparages the other methods, and no one of them has evidently solved problems and suffer from them with a bunch of strange explanations, but nobody wants to try and solve them by using some other method. By using one method, I had better results than those who used only that method, and the combined results were great. Therefore, I think that consistent followers of certain spiritual techniques, methods, cultures or religions are deprived of some help and improvement. One of the greatest meditation teachers, Sri Chinmoy, said: “When I pray, I talk and God listens. When I meditate, God talks and I listen.” This is my experience, and you should decide for yourself what and how to use it.

            Here, I have expressed my personal view of a minimum level of spirituality through Christian religion because it is my religion by birth and I live in that environment, but it does not mean that you also have to use it. Find a parallel in your spiritual determination, but please tend to be involved in minimum spiritual activities, and it is my goal (and your your child’s needs), to attract your your child’s attention to get engaged in minimum spiritual activities through this site. For the future, you will decide for yourselves, in relation to the personal and child’s situation, whether it is enough for your child to solve the problems, or you will be engaged in more intense and contentious spiritual activities, or you will combine them with other methods. It is important to include spirituality together with SOUL, which will be important for your child in other segments of life, because we have entered the era of spirituality, and now we are expected to engage in spirituality and solve spiritual problems.

When it comes to energy therapies, there are different treatments, with different types of energies. Energies can be naturally or artificially produced using various devices, with concentrated or diffuse action. The concentrated energies directly attack the problem, and we use the energies with diffuse effect to charge our bodies, expending them through our bodies and aura. There are people who use diffuse energy and direct it to other people and those people are called bioenergetics. We can also achieve the same with precious stones and technical devices. There are also non-Hertzian energies that exist in the pyramids and reconnectors use them. However, since I had “unsettling” experience with them, I do not want to make any comment. We can use the energy to clear up our organism from negative spiritual beings, cleanse our auras from negative energy and to break energy barriers. They are compatible with spiritual techniques, and my personal answer to the question “can they completely replace spirituality?” would be NO. It depends on an individual what therapy to choose and when it is the most appropriate to undergo and what therapy contributes to faster and better cleansing and regeneration of the organism. It happens that some energy therapy produces good results for some time and it suddenly stops being effective. Then, good results appear by undergoing some other therapy, but it does not mean that good results will not appear by undergoing again the previous therapy. The thing is to try and monitor the situation, but, in essence, all kinds of energy treatments, using either natural or artificial energies, positively affect the human organism and it has been proven from scientific aspect. They also contribute to the purification of aura and releasing of various blockages in the body. Personal experience: it often happened to me that I underwent some energy therapy to treat one part of the body for a couple of days but then it was the church or meditation which helped me release that part of the body from the energy that blocked it. Sometimes, the influence of energy that I used for treatment or was only exposed to its influence enabled me to clear up the energy that caused the problem and release one part of the body. I used some energy to charge my body, then everything would start functioning inside my organism, and I would gain strength. After being charged, I would feel much better especially after major cleansing and releasing of bad energies. The organism recovered quickly and bad energy was replaced by new positive energy that further stimulated physical recovery. I do not wish to suggest any way of energy treatment and it is not the topic of this site so I cannot advertise certain energy treatments or devices for treatment. However, with regard to charging up of your body with energy, I can claim that you will feel good after undergoing one of these treatments

There are countless sources of positive energy in the world and they need to be absorbed whenever it is possible, however, we should be aware of the fact that there are numerous types of positive energy (as well as negative) and that each energy act in a different dimension and in its own way, but always positive. Due to changes in the body, the need for the positive energy is changing, so the needs that I mentioned at the beginning become personalized.

The same case is with concentrated energies, which have impact on particular problem, regardless of being naturally or artificially produced. They have a direct impact on an undesirable spiritual being, negative energy and blockage, and if you manage to determine which energy is the most effective in a particular case, the result is inevitable. Personal experience: all manufacturers of technical devices that generate energy recommend treatment for a minimum period but several times a day in order to protect themselves from possible bad situations. I have many devices at home and this is the reason why my daughter and me undergo therapies and treatments many times over longer period and more intensely than recommended, so we get results faster. The results of such treatment are stronger reaction of the organism and the result is faster.

 If you are unable to determine or provide the most adequate energy, charge yourselves and treat by available energies, because they also contribute to the improvement. It would be good if you sometimes choose the stronger source of energy because there is usually a significant release from bad spiritual beings and accumulated negative energy, and blockages can sometimes be removed. 

– SPORT          

When starting to use SOUL (while the process of cleansing and consolidation of the organism is on-going), sports (physical) activities should be reduced to a recreational level, without much effort and in a more relaxing way with a lot of motion and stretching. It is not before the body is cleansed and consolidated that one should start with more difficult and exhausting training to increase physical performance, together with using SOUL.

In the phase of cleansing and consolidation of the organism, physical (sports) activities stimulate the initiation and faster implementation of the regeneration process and functional consolidation of the organism. A special effect in this phase is achieved if SOUL is taken 2-3 hours before sport activities because, due to better circulation and all that such activity can bring, reactions in the body become very strong and the effects are even greater. Due to these processes, the effect of physical activities is reduced (in the process of cleansing and consolidation of the organism, the one who wants to achieve the best results by doing sport activities, should not do it in such a way; he/she should take SOUL 10-12 hours before sport activity, just before the start or after the activity). When doing sport activities in these situations, one should make more strenuous effort several times (do harder exercises) in order to create more pressure in the body, which will expand the field of action of SOUL in the body (personal experience gained in time of writing the site).  

When the organism is cleansed and consolidated, trainings and sports activities should be enhanced successively so that the performance, strength and endurance of the organism could be increased. By using SOUL and doing sport, many other performances can be changed.   


In this period of cleansing and regeneration of the organism, any type of massage would be good for you and would speed up these processes and it is certain that those processes would be carried out in an easier and qualitative way. Various types of massages can have effect on the nervous system, bloodstream, digestive system, skeleton and the energy system of the person. They can have effect on the entire organism, parts of organism and through certain parts of organism, they can have effect on the other parts of organism. A massage can be given by an expert or by some device. Every massage has its own quality and its significance in a particular process of recovery and maintenance of the organism. In my search for the solution to my problem, I have tried many massages such as reflexology (stimulation of nerve endings of feet), relaxation massage, shiatsu massage, Korean massage of lower legs and feet, Tesla purple plate, different handheld massagers, Korean jade therapy massage, massage armchair, mechanical and electric leg massager, electric head and eye massager. All these massages and devices brought some improvement but it was temporary because when I stopped the treatment, the problem occurred again. Overall, the improvement was small. The main disadvantage of the massage was not taking SOUL and lack of practice of spirituality, which I will explain thoroughly on a personal example

Now that I know that the problem should be solved from both physical and spiritual aspects, and that a massage is helpful for initiating and faster implementation of the process of regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism, I can achieve the best, lasting results by receiving the simplest massages (massage chair and foot massager). Naturally, there are defects and energy blockages that can be found around the joints and spine (usually caused by deformations – this is particularly true for athletes) and they can hardly be removed, which is why special massage and energy are required.

SOUL will naturally show significant results regarding many questions even if you do not keep to all of what i have recommended, because its ingredients shall continue doing their function and their described processes, it is merely the question how the body will react to it overall (physically, spiritually and energetically), thus the results largely depend on that, too. Practice has shown that results gotten by keeping to this method are greater (more results achieved), longer-lasting (final) and are achieved faster.


Now that you learned more about SOUL, its characteristics and effects, you can see that SOUL affects your child only party, the rest is prevention because a young body is not in need of it. If among the specter of SOUL’s effects you recognized something that could be useful to you, read section ‘SOUL and health’. Perhaps SOUL can help you too in some of your discomfort. If you have any questions you may contact us via the website or get in touch with your distributer via email. If you know an elderly person (mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, etc.) direct them to section ‘SOUL and the elderly’ because SOUL will definitely help ease their old age.

            If you are satisfied with SOUL results, or you have learned something about SOUL that could be of good use and you shared this with someone else or recommended SOUL to somebody,  RAIN company will reward you for it, see the chapter “SOUL AS A JOB”. You are on the site where I have introduced a novelty to the world of trade, and I hope that this will achieve a very good financial effect. So, if you think that SOUL is something that should be used globally I guarantee you that this method will ensure you a significant profit. Therefore, you should change your registration on this site from the buyer to the distributor and you will be taken to the chapter “FOR DISTRIBUTORS” which describes this method and its application.

Instructions: Soul and Health Problems of Children

If it is pointless for your child to read “important instruction” (due to age), you must present it to him/her in an acceptable way. You need to awaken optimism and hope about SOUL, and to convince your child that it will have good results. It is important for a child to accept it and to wait for improvement from it, then the child is “open” to all changes and his/her brain supports all these processes.

Symptoms and reactions from the Important warning” chapter in health disorders or illness can (but not necessarily) be extremely intense and turbulent with psychological reactions, but they are transient (described in that chapter – the second paragraph). Be sure to follow the instructions in this chapter and do not reduce the daily dose of SOUL at the time of the culmination of the reaction because at that point you may  stop the reaction and then you will not achieve anything. Read the chapter “All about SOUL”. I listed the method with black cumin there, which made it easier for me and the child in these situations to respond psychologically. See also other sites, read the experiences on them, read on the Internet about the plants that are part of the SOUL. Educate yourself on this issue and find out all about SOUL in order to have a better insight into what happens to your child and what you can expect from SOUL. Try to transfer part of that knowledge to your child so he/she could understand the significance of SOUL in this process.

The child might dislike the taste or smell of SOUL and he/she does not want take it but this will change. It means that SOUL is affecting a particular problem in the body which is defensive and induces symptoms in order to distract you from the effect. Those are the described reactions, but sometimes the process of body cleansing is prevented by certain symptoms. If you manage to eliminate the problem, the opposing feeling will disappear. So try to give SOUL to your child together with some other foods (by no means hot food and never forcefully because you will create resistance which consequently prevents SOUL’s effects) and engage them in spiritual activities and energy treatments because as soon as you solve the problem, things will go smoothly. My personal experience: a couple of years ago I started to take a certain supplement for a particular problem and claimed that there was nothing that tastes more disgusting than that drink and I was surprised that anyone would make it. I was persistent and after 3 months my problem disappeared, and with it, the disgusting taste too. Today, I drink this supplement as a refreshing drink and it tastes good.

At the beginning of the use of SOUL, and preferably 15 to 20 days before, it would be best to clean the organism with RAIN’s multi-purifier of the organism, CORE, to purify the body from products produced by organ dysfunction. One to two boxesof CORE should be taken, one bag per day, to make it easier and quicker for you to clean the entire body and to save on SOUL. If you cannot find CORE, you can do this with some natural cleaners like teas, juices, tinctures and the like.


Before or at the beginning of drinking SOUL, you should start with the above-described cleansing of the body, spiritual activities, and energy treatments. In the event that the child takes some medical treatment due to a health problem, he / she should continue with it, and when the condition improves, it should be reduced successively with the doctor’s supervision. Shake the bag well before drinking and drink it directly. Use a pencil or some object to squeeze the contents from the bag.


Defects in the organism (in the form of tissue damage – cell deterioration), caused by functional disorders of the organism and defects of the immune system that occur at early childhood due to nutritionally poor diet and naturally poor living conditions,  various injuries, various diseases, traumas, medical interventions,  the effects of free radicals,  SOUL eliminates by its basic functions: cleansing, regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism, processes described in the section ‘’WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF SOUL ON YOUR CHILD AND WHAT WILL HAPPEN’’  All these processes are called: the classic (basic) process of cleansing, regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism through SOUL. In order for these problems to be comprehensively dealt with, permanently and qualitatively eliminated, in my personal experience and knowledge (see the chapter: “PERSONAL EXPERIENCE”) I advise you to support these processes with spiritual activities, energy treatments, moderately recreational and relaxation sports activities, and massages. Provided there is no advanced major disease or some major health problems, these processes regenerate the organism and bring it to a completely and permanently healthy and functional condition with significantly reduced conditions for the emergence of a disease. After this complex method (including the physical, spiritual and energy segment), with the strongest and most complex means for the physical and functional recovery of the organism, there will be new established and improved functions in the organism, balance of the whole organism and harmonization of the whole being which will result in: improvement of the functioning of all parts of the body, faster cell regeneration, and automatic rejuvenation of the organism, energy consolidation of the organism, better performance, ability and viability of the organism, greater resistance of the organism to viruses and other parasites, better brain function and increased intellectual abilities.

            In order to carry out the classic process of cleansing, regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism with SOUL, the treatment with SOUL should start with 3 bags of SOUL per day to awaken the processes at the very beginning as effectively as possible, and after a few days to start drinking two bags a day and monitor the results. Treatment with two bags per day should be continued with a few boxes of SOUL (2 to 4), depending on the state of the organism, and then switch to one bag per day, and of course, monitor the situation and react to it. Since this instruction is general, and the situations are individual, everyone should, by his / her assessment decide when to take two or one bags, whether or not to stop drinking it, or to have SOUL as an integral part of his/her life. The criterion should be reactions that take place in the body, as long as there are intense and significant changes one should take two bags per day. The positive effects will continue even with one bag per day, but only to a lesser extent and more slowly. When the satisfactory state of the organism is achieved (which I declared as the first stage of the use of SOUL), the condition can be maintained with one bag of SOUL every couple of days (because the problems of nutritionally poor diet and naturally bad living conditions will hardly be overcome), and if you continue to drink one bag of SOUL every day,as well as a constant improvement in physical and intellectual performance (see section “GENERAL AND TARGETED EXPANSION OF PERFORMANCES AND ABILITIES WITH SOUL” in the chapter “SOUL and CHILDREN”), which I declared as the second phase of using SOUL. It is important to keep with spiritual activities, at least on a minimal level, as well as occasional energy treatments and massages, including physical activities.

If the reactions are intense and your child cannot bear them, you should not stop the treatment, but the amount of SOUL should be reduced to a tolerable amount and you should include more spiritual activities. Then, you should successively increase the amount of SOUL. (A reminder: the problems arising with these processes are intense, short-term and transient, so do not suppress them with drugs, because it will interrupt the process. You can ease the pain with spiritual methods, and you can intensify the process and accelerate energy treatments and take more SOUL.) In the event that the organism cannot overcome (eliminate) a problem, add one more bag of SOUL per day, enhance spiritual activity, energy treatments and massage. If it is not eliminated  you should start drinking one bag a day, intensify and become more involved in spiritual activities and energy treatments. After a while try again with two or three bags per day, or simply be patient; maybe there is something else that must be resolved first. As I have already said, no one knows the order of this “cleansing”, how long it will last and what your child’s body really needs. It depends on a person and state of the organism. Perhaps your child will need an additional intervention (fitting your joints, spine, etc.). I will just mention few examples: I could not suppress the inflammation in the jaw until I found and eliminated the cyst under the molars in the upper jaw. No matter how many times the chiropractor worked on my spine, the vertebrae kept returning to their original state, until I checked and fixed the first vertebra, the “atlas”.

            If one problem is not overcome in a spiritual or energy sphere, it puts pressure on the problem in the physical sphere, and then SOUL needs much more potential to suppress it from the physical sphere. This problem will continue to exist in the spiritual or energy sphere, or in both, with a tendency to return to the physical sphere, until it is eliminated properly in the part where it exists. All this time a person must drink SOUL in order to protect himself/herself from the problems in the physical sphere and he/she depends on SOUL, which is not the best solution, but it is solvable. SOUL will suppress the development of this problem in the physical sphere and slow down its advancement in the other two spheres, but in the long run, the problem will progress in other two spheres and more and more SOUL will be needed to deal with the problem.  The problem may even culminate in one of these two spheres, which is why you should focus on solving this problem.

Treatment Depending on the Cause of the Health Problem

 If there are health problems, but no diagnosed and defined disease, the chances are that it is the result of some defect in the organism caused by a functional disorder of the organism, or some problems caused by poor nutrition and naturally poor living conditions (described in the first part of the site). SOUL eliminates the causes of these health problems with its basic functions: cleansing, regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism. If we add spiritual activities and energy treatments to that, we will get a faster and easier result, which will be comprehensive, longer and better than without them (described below).

When it comes to five year old children, treatment with SOUL, depending on the health problem, should start with 3 to 4 bags of SOUL per day (divided during the day) to stop the activity of causative agent, and after a few days switch to two bags per day and implement a classic process of cleansing, regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism with SOUL and monitor the changes. Given the situation, you will most likely need 2-3 boxes of SOUL for the treatment with two bags per day, after which you should switch to one bag a day. Naturally, you’ll need to monitor the changes and react to them. With children under 5 years of age, the treatment should start with 2 to 3 bags of SOUL per day (arranged), so that the causative agent calms down, and after a few days switch to one bag per day and perform a classic cleaning, regeneration and functional process consolidate the organism with SOUL and monitor what is happening.

If after the treatment with SOUL it turns out that a disease has developed in your child’s body, which resisted the classic process of cleansing, regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism with SOUL, basic spiritual activities and some general energy treatments, it is not your loss.  Observe it as a preparation to fight the disease. These treatments cleaned your child’s your organism from everything that needed to be eliminated (given the disease) on physical, spiritual, and energy level. The organism has regenerated as much as it could and established many functions that it had not previously had, activated the immune system, consolidated energy-wise, and it spiritually strengthened. This way consolidated and strengthened organism may even FIGHT THE DISEASE BY ITSELF, you never know. Therefore, your child organism is now much more prepared for the fight and it now has a great chance and realistic prospects to win the disease, so you should try the following: increased daily doses of SOUL, extended spiritual activities, enhanced energy treatments and various customized massages to overcome the disease. No one can guarantee positive results of these efforts, but this is the most complex method (it includes the physical, spiritual and energy segment) with the strongest and most complex means of physical and functional recovery of the organism, so it is worth trying before a surgical or other medical intervention, which will endanger the rest of the body.

Only at this stage would I advise a ‘’shock’’ therapy with 3 to 5 bags of SOUL per day (divided during the day), unlike my colleagues who advise to start with a “shock” therapy from the first day, which I think is not necessary, but you should do what you think is best. If the dose is too strong and the reactions so intense that your child cannot bear them, you may need to reduce the SOUL to a tolerable amount and become more active spiritually; you will increase the amount of SOUL successively in time. During the treatment, the disease should be monitored (best via medicine) and respond in accordance with the situation (Let me remind you: if the immune system starts to fight the disease, various physical and psychological deteriorated conditions may occur, and even some symptoms of the disease, but they are short term and transient, and they should not be suppressed by drugs, because they will interrupt the process.)

If this does not help you to fight the disease in your child’s organism, there is one more good thing besides the comfort that you have tried and done your best, and that is the fact that your child  after all this, are in a totally  good physical, psychological and spiritual condition with good energy, and that it will be easier for to undergo medical intervention and to recover from it, whatever it may be, compared to the condition before you tried all this.

Based on all this, I advise those who have a diagnosis and who know that they are dealing with a disease, to carry out the classic process of cleansing, regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism with SOUL and to try the “shock” therapy. Both processes will give you some results. Ultimately, your child will be physically, mentally, spiritually and energy wise ready for any intervention regarding the disease.

When the only option to eliminate a disease is a surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or any other method that jeopardizes the rest of the organism by deadening tissue and disrupting the functions of the organism, SOUL can be very helpful in these situations, as it is its basic and primary purpose. It will perform cleansing, regeneration and functional consolidation of both damaged parts of the organism and the whole body. This will accelerate the faster and better healing of the wound (damaged tissue), regenerate the tissue, restore the functions of the organism (as much as possible with respect to intervention) and improve the state of the whole organism. If you add spiritual activities and energy treatments to the treatment with SOUL, together with various massages, you will recover significantly, much easier and much faster, and the results will be long lasting.

A couple of days after the intervention, your child should drink 3 to 4 bags of SOUL daily (divided during the day), and then switch to two bags a day and monitor the situation. Since this instruction is general, and every case is individual, everyone should personally decide on when to take one or two bags, and whether he/she will stop drinking it, or decide to have SOUL as an integral part of his/her life. Those who carried out the process of cleansing, regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism with SOUL before the intervention will surely have a faster recovery and will soon be able to switch to one bag per day, unlike those who will have to spend more time on enhanced dosages because in their recovery other processes for the improvement of the organism will be started, too. This may be a little hard for them, which is why the treatments and improvement of the organism should be done before the intervention. In this case, energy treatments and massages are very important (personal experience) for the recovery of tissue and restoration of body functions.

Parts of the body that are hurt, sprained, contused, stretched, have inflammation, and generally all painful parts, as well as various skin manifestations, are remarkably quick to recover if you cover them with SOUL. Cut open the empty bag of SOUL with scissors and use the remaining part stuck on the bag walls to spread over the parts in pain (wipe the bag over it). When it dries without wetting, shake off the crumbs. After a couple of times you will be surprised with the results. Of course, such places can be treated by pouring SOUL out of the bag. Personal experience: My daughter’s sinuses unblocked after 3 treating the forehead, nose and cheeks with SOUL three times. In the same way, I eliminated pain in my back, rheumatic pain in the hand, and relieved the inflamed tendon.



make your choice

Various defects in the body, regardless of the way they were created and dysfunction of the organism that arises as a consequence, create energy blockages in the aura of a man and vice versa; energy (psychological) blockages caused by stress, fear, pain, grievance and similar, create defects in the organism and dysfunction of the organism that arises as a consequence. Energy blockages in the aura can be the result of certain problems in spiritual world. These blockages disturb the energy flows of the organism and promote disharmony of the entire organism. Since these places are not protected by personal energies, they accumulate various negative energies, which are a good basis for the existence of different negative spiritual beings. Those negative energies and negative spiritual beings as well as various radiations have a direct impact on the defect in the organism and the dysfunction of the organism that arises as their consequence through the energy blockage in the aura, which further aggravates the already bad situation. Through personal energies in different energy fields (in different dimensions) in human aura, which are directly connected with physical part of a man, the man is connected with the natural and cosmic energies that surround him and with the spiritual part of his being, and he is connected with the complete spiritual world. This connection leads to the development of the relationship between spiritual and physical parts of our being and our personal energies with them, as well as to the abundance of ​​natural and cosmic energies that surround us. This way, the problem that has arisen in one sphere is manifested in other spheres in the manner described, which means that it is exposed to bad impacts in all spheres, which all together affects the problem itself. This leads to the conclusion that an effective and radical solution to the problem implies solving the problem and its manifestations in all spheres

Introducing spiritual techniques and energy treatments together with taking SOUL is of significant importance especially for casting out potential negative spiritual beings from people, for cleansing the aura of accumulated negative energy and consequences of radiation, which have concentrated on energy blockages in the aura, and for solving potential problems in spiritual world, which are probably the cause of energy blockages in the aura and the result of bad energy impacts from the outside world.

            When negative energy effects are eliminated from the blockage, the deformability in organism is automatically reduced and SOUL can easily have effect on the regeneration process. If the positive spiritual and adequate energetic forces affect the energy blockade so that SOUL can easily perform its action of eliminating the deformability, it is certain that the processes of cleansing, regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism will be naturally stimulated in much easier and faster way and the entire process will be completed ahead of time thus saving you time and the amount of SOUL taken. In this way, the reaction of organism, which is usually caused during these processes, will be significantly slowed down (by about 50{b4a383ea71e9649da27c161b21b0b9a9242e7694e1d13cbce1386c03e6df6110}).  When this process is carried out without using these techniques and deformability is eliminated only by taking SOUL, those energies are no longer present in the body but they exist in the aura, which is the same for the energy from eliminated deformability and everything accumulated in the body. They disrupt the entire organism and prevent its stabilization and that is why they should be eliminated by spirituality and energy treatments. By eliminating these energies, the energy system of the organism is restored and HARMONIZATION of the entire organism is achieved, which is an additional benefit of this combination of treatments.

            Two other important reasons for the introduction of spiritual techniques and energy therapies, together with the use of SOUL, are the fact that all those energies that remain in the aura of a child, have effect on the soul of a child, pa so you must be aware of the importance of eliminating those energies. Another strong reason for introducing these methods is the fact that when a physical problem is eliminated from the body, its spiritual part remains in spiritual sphere and a part of physical problem transfers into spiritual sphere and exists in the person’s aura creating psychological problems and waiting for a favourable moment to be raised again in material form in a physical part of a person.  The favourable moment is usually the moment when a person stops using SOUL and the immune system is weakened and then we say that the problems return because we stop using SOUL and we realize that we have become addicted to it, which is not good because addiction is also a disease. This problem is evident in all types of treatments, and I will write more about this in the chapter entitled “SOUL AND SPIRITUALITY”. The combination of these treatments eliminates the possibility of restoring the previously eliminated symptoms and problems caused by ending the consumption of SOUL. The end of using SOUL, poor nutrition and poor living conditions can cause new defects in the body and everything that follows them, but those are new processes that are still developing. You can activate the old, unsolved problems that have been alleviated by taking SOUL, but you have to be persistent in eliminating them by conducting effective treatment together with taking SOUL as well as eliminating the problems that have been eliminated in the physical part but not in the spiritual part. Therefore, the problems that have been cleared up from the body and spirit will surely not return.

            We can use positive spiritual activities to attract positive energies that have beneficial effects on spiritual and energetic aspect of the physically manifested problem, and we will maybe need some help from the positive sphere of the spiritual world, which can be diverse:

  • In case of major or old defects and dysfunctions of parts of the organism, as well as in case of major health problems and major deformability of the organism and with the increased concentration of negative energy, there is usually a primitive spiritual being created by energy blockade and accumulation of negative energy. This being can be easily replaced by positive spiritual being adopting some spiritual method.
  • Positive spiritual beings have the ability to eliminate negative spiritual beings, to direct positive energies to some other person, and to have positive effects on that person. Those energies are very powerful and beneficial and always adequate, just the ones that are most necessary for that person. (Personal experience: sometimes they wish to reduce energy, and sometimes they do not, I do not know what it the reason for that.)
  • The causes of severe health problems, dysfunctions and deformability of organism often lie in spiritual or energetic spheres or are hidden in the real life so we are not able to recognize and eliminate them. However, it is a basic requirement for permanent and unconditional elimination of problems and the healing process itself will be faster and easier to implement in this way. Positive spiritual beings can provide a substantial help in identifying and eliminating those causes.
  • Positive spiritual beings can also play a significant role in protecting people against negative spiritual beings.

            In general, spiritual activities can bring us something that we did not hope for or in other words ‘’maybe God will smile on us“, if we follow Him. Naturally, everyone will follow his/her own path. In this respect, I would remain neutral because this is not the topic. I will only advise you to be positive, kind to others, not to take revenge or judge, to forgive, give, share and help whoever needs help, especially to those who ask you for help not expecting gratitude, reward or favour in return. In other words, be humane and you will enter HUMANITARIAN ENERGY FIELD that is common for all religions and positive spiritual methods and it is the shortest and the safest way to God. This is the field of miracles; all positive things that you have done for someone will be returned to you by other people in a way you find it most adequate even in the context of health issues. This is the field that Jesus Christ used to mention in his sermons and why I shouldn’t. It will guide you to the solution to the problem and you should only ‘fill’ it with good deeds and humanity. You have already made the first humanitarian steps by shopping through this.

            According to my personal experience, I can say that spiritual methods, religions and various energy sources and therapies are compatible and they complement each other when they are well matched, and all the previously mentioned will be achieved by HUMANITARIAN ENERGY FIELD. You just do not have to be disillusioned if it is not used by followers of the group you belong to, stay in the group because it all comes from the same source and is compatible. God, nature or the cosmos, whatever they call it, help people in different ways and provide them with an opportunity to help themselves; the question is what they choose. Different nations, cultures and religions use different methods, techniques and objects to attract as powerful and good positive energy as possible and powerful spiritual beings from positive spiritual sphere, but the question is what is required because not every energy is for everyone, nor can all spiritual beings help with every issue (except for the main one). For example, every Orthodox icon (personal experience) produces different energies that have effects in certain dimension (energy field) on a certain type of problem caused by the influence of negative energies and negative spiritual beings in that dimension (energy field) or in a set of dimensions. Based on that, I believe that dedicated followers of certain spiritual methods or religions have been deprived of some help and improvement.

             As much as I want to remain neutral in your spiritual determination, when it comes to health problems, someone who should not be excluded from my personal experience is Bruno Groening and his healing method. It is suitable for all religions and spiritual techniques and is focused on health issues. There is a lot of material about Bruno Groening’s work and his method on the internet and my personal experience is that several times, he has helped me release some powerful energies which further have helped me in solving some health issues and directed me to find complete solution to one of the major health problems. I know a girl who was immobile for 21 years with constant headaches that lasted for 3 years. Her headaches stopped when she started training in the use of Bruno’s methods and she started walking after a month of employing this method. Nowadays, she lives normally with her family; she can walk independently and drive a car. There are some minor physical problems because of her previous state and I am convinced that those problems could be solved by taking SOUL but she cannot afford it. Here we can see that the problem has been solved from both spiritual and energy aspects and constant spiritual activities help restore the organism and keep it in good condition but the physical problem remains. When I told my friend, who was a priest, about the girl I met and Bruno’s methods, he told me he had already heard about the case and that her mother used to bring her to his church and that he used to visit them and tried to help but without any success and he thought that she would die very young. He even comforted her mother that it would be better for her if her daughter died before her because there would be no one to look after her properly and then one day, her mother came to ask him if it would be a sin to try Bruno’s method. In their despair and helplessness, he gave them the blessing to try and she was healed. A few years ago, I attended a seminar on the method of Bruno Groening at which occasion two hotels were full with people from all over Serbia and they shared their personal experience about the ways Bruno’s method helped them for two days from the morning until the evening.  There were religious people (different religions), meditators and atheists.

            Positive energies that have beneficial effects on spiritual and energetic part of the physically manifested problem and the entire organism as well do not have to be attracted by spiritual methods. One can find such energies in the nature in different places, different forms, types, frequencies, and they act in different dimensions. People also produce some of these energies by themselves by different devices. People have always used these energies to solve physical and mental problems. In this combination of treatments, we use them as a help in solving spiritual problems and in eliminating negative energies and consequences of radiation that have concentrated on energy blockages in aura. 

            We all know about massages and their importance in improving circulation, innervation, energy relieving and elimination of energy blockages. After receiving a massage, people feel better for some time but then the body returns to its previous state and requires a massage again. With the help of SOUL and spirituality and energy treatments, the effects of the massage can be permanent. The effects of taking SOUL and spirituality can last for a long time, and massages are additional support in those processes because they enable more rapid regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism, which can also be achieved by moderate physical activities.

            A personal experience presented in the chapter about massages illustrates this situation and shows that this is the right combination of treatments.

I will try to be as short and concise as possible about spirituality and energy treatment because these are not the thematic of the website. I could write anything about it after my 20 year long experience and education however, I will focus on what can bring improvement for your children with small illustrative examples, simply for you to understand it easier and accept it. I will begin with the fact that human beings are spiritual and physical, surrounded by energies. We can see some energies, others we can feel and with some we only see traces of their effects. Energies where we recognize intelligence are classified in the spiritual world, which according to Christianity is divided into positive and negative beings. Energies where we do not recognize intelligence, but instead they exist in nature by their own rules and some of them are produced and managed by us, are called energies. Some of these affect us badly so we intend to avoid them and protect ourselves from them, while others have a good influence so we use them as treatment. Such are the vertical energy pillars, the Najdan circles, the sunrays, the pulsing electro-magnetic field, the bipolarized light, infrared rays, etc. I hope you all follow and agree so far. There is a part of humanity that examines the spiritual world and completely neglects the physical characteristics of humankind, yet they do not recognize or ignore the spiritual energies. Another part of humankind is unacquainted with the spiritual world but recognizes some of the energies and completely neglects the spiritual qualities in people and is only based on physical part of a man. The result is identical, both suffer and have various illnesses and all the while they are both convinced that they are right and the other one is wrong and they provide numerous outrageous explanations for it. I will list a few examples from the spiritual sphere so that you can understand the seriousness of this delusion: ‘God said: because you did not believe in Jesus Christ, now you must take medication.’ – the person takes a number of pills and continues to attend church even though he/she is an intellectual; ‘God makes us fall ill in order to redeem our souls.’ – the person had surgery and takes more medication than food, is very spiritual and an intellectual; a man has cardio vascular problems and when I offer him SOUL that is natural and that helped my father with the same issue, he will not take it and says: ‘what helps me the most is going to the countryside and getting bitten by bees’ – he has difficulties walking, takes a lot of medication, he is pious and an intellectual. Unfortunately, testimonies from the material sphere are no better, only we have gotten used to them so much that they do not look horrible, but they are. What agony rules the world, and all we need is some belief and good will to understand each other. If you had read section ‘PERSONAL EXPERIENCE’, you should have seen, from my personal example, that life taught me the importance of both the spiritual and the material or physical part. A person is like a car; if you merely wash, clean and polish it but neglect the engine, you will have issues with your car. Again, if you only maintain the engine but do not clean and polish the car, you will have other issues with it. You could see from my personal experience how I got ‘tricked’ by the theory that I can resolve all my health issues spiritually. Of course, there was improvement but the problem has not been resolved. In the meantime I have seen masses of spiritual people with numerous health issues and some serious diseases, who would explain them with strange stories that had no connection to one another and no matter how hard I tried to understand them over the many years spent among them, I was unable to make sense of it. On the other hand, people who maintain their physical abilities (in my environment) and who use and sell various teas, tinctures, and supplements (among them SOUL, too), have massages and do recreational sports, achieve important improvement in their physical problems and health issues, as well as serious diseases yet they do not finally resolve their problems. If they cease with the treatments their problems return but I am not surprised, I just observe that none of them engages in spiritual activities, while energy treatments some may try. They are not willing to do anything about their spiritual state, just like those in the spiritual world are unwilling to do anything physical about their body. Please try to overcome this folly for the sake of your child and yourself. You only have to invest a little effort and confidence in something you do not believe in and the result may be fantastic. I will ask you this: ‘Do you really believe that the other half of the world is completely crazy since the beginning of life on earth?

            My personal experience is a friend of mine in his fifties who crossed his heart and said: ‘Who would have thought that this exists, as if someone has pulled the veil off my eyes.“

            To summarize: the spiritual and physical parts of humans are in direct connection and the level of issues is almost equal (there are minor oscillations). If one method decreases the level of problems in a body but we neglect the other part then, after the treatment is stopped, the other part will pull the first one in order to become even, however, there is a possibility that we will be faced again with all the problems and difficulties. This way, we become dependent upon treatment, regardless of it being spiritual or physical, and we are not completely healthy, we always complain about health issues and are constantly nervous. Those are the reactions to health problems in other parts of ourselves because that is who we are. Practice shows that some problems from the latter part can be resolved by solving problems in the former part, and vice versa, but this is more symbolical.

            Through SOUL, your child will gain spirituality too because every seed carries clean, divine energy that will give life to other living organisms and it is all kept in SOUL. THAT IS THE ELEMENTARY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SOUL AND OTHER SUPPLEMENTS; THE CLEAR, DIVINE ENERGY OF LIFE AND CLEAR, NATURAL SUBSTANCE PRESERVED IN THE IMPENETRABLE SEEDS – THE PERFECT COCOON. That energy will clearly play its part in resolving some problems but you would require a lot of SOUL to resolve spiritual matters.

            I will end the discussion about spirituality by expressing my point of view: I find it quite normal and natural for a child born in the Christian family to be baptized in a church which is attended by his or her parents or at least one parent. At least 1 to 2 times a month (if the family cannot go to church at noon on Sundays, according to tradition), the child should attend services in the church, hear the prayer and perform some ritual or custom. Similarly, a child born in a family of Islamic or some other religion should at least hear the prayer or perform some ritual. Who does not like the church whose member he/she is, there are 33,000  types of Christian churches and probably you would like one. If you do not like your religion, Bruno Groening’s method is universal, as it is yoga, and different types of meditation, and you have a wide variety of eastern mantras (WARNING: some meditations can force a child to join the sect, you should be careful). Whatever you child chooses to do is better than doing nothing, but be careful not to exaggerate. However, if a child is born in a Christian family, then one day he/she will need to (have to) be baptized or take communion in the Christian Church, because a certain type of problem (energy) cannot be eliminated by any other method or religion (personal experience).

            This is my attitude to physical and spiritual parts based on my previous experiences, and even today I still gain new experiences and confirm my attitude (chapter “PERSONAL EXPERIENCE”). There is maybe someone who can create matter from energy, but it is certainly not us who live here and this way of life. We need to introduce matter into the spiritual (cosmic) energy, this matter contains all the elements necessary for the organism, absolutely natural and pure, and we have to add energy to the matter. In doing so, we must lead the normal life in both physical and spiritual spheres, if we wish to be healthy. Without the intention of imposing or favoring any spiritual method or technique, culture, tradition, or religion, because there are many which I am not even aware of, but for those that I used in the past and I still use today, I can say that they have been extremely compatible and that in each one, you can find at least something good that the other one does not have, so they are complemented. However, we have here a clear distinction that is the same as the one between spiritual and material. Again, everyone praises his/her own method and claims that it gives the best results, and disparages the other methods, and no one of them has evidently solved problems and suffer from them with a bunch of strange explanations, but nobody wants to try and solve them by using some other method. By using one method, I had better results than those who used only that method, and the combined results were great. Therefore, I think that consistent followers of certain spiritual techniques, methods, cultures or religions are deprived of some help and improvement. One of the greatest meditation teachers, Sri Chinmoy, said: “When I pray, I talk and God listens. When I meditate, God talks and I listen.” This is my experience, and you should decide for yourself what and how to use it.

            Here, I have expressed my personal view of a minimum level of spirituality through Christian religion because it is my religion by birth and I live in that environment, but it does not mean that you also have to use it. Find a parallel in your spiritual determination, but please tend to be involved in minimum spiritual activities, and it is my goal (and your your child’s needs), to attract your your child’s attention to get engaged in minimum spiritual activities through this site. For the future, you will decide for yourselves, in relation to the personal and child’s situation, whether it is enough for your child to solve the problems, or you will be engaged in more intense and contentious spiritual activities, or you will combine them with other methods. It is important to include spirituality together with SOUL, which will be important for your child in other segments of life, because we have entered the era of spirituality, and now we are expected to engage in spirituality and solve spiritual problems.

            In the case of major or old health problems and injuries, illnesses, recoveries after medical intervention, regardless of spiritual activity you are involved in, they must be significantly more intense than the minimum activities described above.

When it comes to energy therapies, there are different treatments, with different types of energies. Energies can be naturally or artificially produced using various devices, with concentrated or diffuse action. The concentrated energies directly attack the problem, and we use the energies with diffuse effect to charge our bodies, expending them through our bodies and aura. There are people who use diffuse energy and direct it to other people and those people are called bioenergetics. We can also achieve the same with precious stones and technical devices. There are also non-Hertzian energies that exist in the pyramids and reconnectors use them. However, since I had “unsettling” experience with them, I do not want to make any comment. We can use the energy to clear up our organism from negative spiritual beings, cleanse our auras from negative energy and to break energy barriers. They are compatible with spiritual techniques, and my personal answer to the question “can they completely replace spirituality?” would be NO. It depends on an individual what therapy to choose and when it is the most appropriate to undergo and what therapy contributes to faster and better cleansing and regeneration of the organism. It happens that some energy therapy produces good results for some time and it suddenly stops being effective. Then, good results appear by undergoing some other therapy, but it does not mean that good results will not appear by undergoing again the previous therapy. The thing is to try and monitor the situation, but, in essence, all kinds of energy treatments, using either natural or artificial energies, positively affect the human organism and it has been proven from scientific aspect. They also contribute to the purification of aura and releasing of various blockages in the body. Personal experience: it often happened to me that I underwent some energy therapy to treat one part of the body for a couple of days but then it was the church or meditation which helped me release that part of the body from the energy that blocked it. Sometimes, the influence of energy that I used for treatment or was only exposed to its influence enabled me to clear up the energy that caused the problem and release one part of the body. I used some energy to charge my body, then everything would start functioning inside my organism, and I would gain strength. After being charged, I would feel much better especially after major cleansing and releasing of bad energies. The organism recovered quickly and bad energy was replaced by new positive energy that further stimulated physical recovery. I do not wish to suggest any way of energy treatment and it is not the topic of this site so I cannot advertise certain energy treatments or devices for treatment. However, with regard to charging up of your body with energy, I can claim that you will feel good after undergoing one of these treatments:

There are countless sources of positive energy in the world and they need to be absorbed whenever it is possible, however, we should be aware of the fact that there are numerous types of positive energy (as well as negative) and that each energy act in a different dimension and in its own way, but always positive. Due to changes in the body, the need for the positive energy is changing, so the needs that I mentioned at the beginning become personalized.

The same case is with concentrated energies, which have impact on particular problem, regardless of being naturally or artificially produced. They have a direct impact on an undesirable spiritual being, negative energy and blockage, and if you manage to determine which energy is the most effective in a particular case, the result is inevitable. Personal experience: all manufacturers of technical devices that generate energy recommend treatment for a minimum period but several times a day in order to protect themselves from possible bad situations. I have many devices at home and this is the reason why my daughter and me undergo therapies and treatments many times over longer period and more intensely than recommended, so we get results faster. The results of such treatment are stronger reaction of the organism and the result is faster.

            If you are unable to determine or provide the most adequate energy, charge them  and treat by available energies, because they also contribute to the improvement. It would be good if you sometimes choose the stronger source of energy because there is usually a significant release from bad spiritual beings and accumulated negative energy, and blockages can sometimes be removed. 


            Ten days after starting to use SOUL, a child should be physically engaged in sport which is not too exhausting and difficult, but more of a relaxing type with a lot of motion and stretching. Those physical (sport) activities stimulate the initiation and faster implementation of the regeneration process and functional consolidation of the organism. Special effects are achieved if SOUL is taken 2-3 hours before sport activities and especially if strenuous exercises are done because they create more pressure in the body and expand the field of action of SOUL. If this is a problem due to health problems, there is no need to insist on sport activities, but any physical activity is more than good for you. If one is not able to do sport activities, he/she should receive a massage.


            In this period of cleansing and regeneration of the organism, any type of massage would be good for them and would speed up these processes and it is certain that those processes would be carried out in an easier and qualitative way. Various types of massages can have effect on the nervous system, bloodstream, digestive system, skeleton and the energy system of the person. They can have effect on the entire organism, parts of organism and through certain parts of organism, they can have effect on the other parts of organism. A massage can be given by an expert or by some device. Every massage has its own quality and its significance in a particular process of recovery and maintenance of the organism. In my search for the solution to my problem, I have tried many massages such as reflexology (stimulation of nerve endings of feet), relaxation massage, shiatsu massage, Korean massage of lower legs and feet, Tesla purple plate, different handheld massagers, Korean jade therapy massage, massage armchair, mechanical and electric leg massager, electric head and eye massager. All these massages and devices brought some improvement but it was temporary because when I stopped the treatment, the problem occurred again. Overall, the improvement was small. The main disadvantage of the massage was not taking SOUL and lack of practice of spirituality, which I will explain thoroughly on a personal example:

Now that I know that the problem should be solved from both physical and spiritual aspects, and that a massage is helpful for initiating and faster implementation of the process of regeneration and functional consolidation of the organism, I can achieve the best, lasting results by receiving the simplest massages (massage chair and foot massager). Naturally, there are defects and energy blockages that can be found around the joints and spine (usually caused by deformations – this is particularly true for athletes) and they can hardly be removed, which is why special massage and energy are required.


SOUL will naturally show significant results regarding many questions even if you do not keep to all of what i have recommended, because its ingredients shall continue doing their function and their described processes, it is merely the question how the body will react to it overall (physically, spiritually and energetically), thus the results largely depend on that, too. Practice has shown that results gotten by keeping to this method are greater (more results achieved), longer-lasting (final) and are achieved faster.

Now that you learned more about SOUL, its characteristics and effects, you can see that SOUL affects your child only party, the rest is prevention because a young body is not in need of it. If among the specter of SOUL’s effects you recognized something that could be useful to you, read section ‘SOUL and health’. Perhaps SOUL can help you too in some of your discomfort. If you have any questions you may contact us via the website or get in touch with your distributer via email. If you know an elderly person (mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, etc.) direct them to section ‘SOUL and the elderly’ because SOUL will definitely help ease their old age.

            If you are satisfied with SOUL results, or you have learned something about SOUL that could be of good use and you shared this with someone else or recommended SOUL to somebody,  RAIN company will reward you for it, see the chapter “SOUL AS A JOB”. You are on the site where I have introduced a novelty to the world of trade, and I hope that this will achieve a very good financial effect. So, if you think that SOUL is something that should be used globally I guarantee you that this method will ensure you a significant profit. Therefore, you should change your registration on this site from the buyer to the distributor and you will be taken to the chapter “FOR DISTRIBUTORS” which describes this method and its application.